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Heba Presse – Discount
Bilal Al-Talidi, a Moroccan researcher specializing in the study of Islamic movements, wrote: “Reflecting on the debate over the Code and its amendments, I saw the problem arise between men and women. There are those who want man to bear everything. under the pretext of oppression of women, but they do not ask the question of the government’s responsibility. Why doesn’t the blog talk about the responsibility of the Treasury, that is to say the government and its social sectors, in its share of responsibility?
Al-Talidi said: “Repeated studies confirm that most divorce rates are due to financial reasons, that is, the husband’s inability to provide for the family, either due to loss of work, reduced income or work without rights. This man, who struggles for time to meet the needs of the family in order to protect it from divorce, how can he, if he does not succeed, guarantee all the rights that he is asked to pay in the event of divorce, and this increases review from blog to blog.
Al-Talidi asked: “What did the government offer the divorced woman until the Minister of Justice came and spoke about the oppression and suffering of the woman in front of the man?
He added: “Today, no one escapes the truth. The divorced woman in Morocco is oppressed, and the men are also oppressed, instead of being spent partly on guaranteeing the dignity of women, but in the form of tax breaks. the luckiest. »
He concluded his article by saying: “In fact, we do not want the government to do justice to women with legislation that encourages them to attack men, to take revenge on them and to impoverish them in order to to ensure his livelihood and that of his children. We want a different type of legislation that does justice to women by entrusting to man what he can bear and supplementing the rest from the public treasury, so that everyone feels that the fruits of growth benefit everyone.