Exasperated by the congestion of the alleys and streets by carts and street vendors, and the unsanitary conditions caused by these traders, the residents of the Moulay Rachid district are crying their fed up. Due to these street vendors who sow chaos and disturb the peace of residents, many families are considering moving to other areas of Casablanca.
To put an end to this anarchy, local authorities have developed an emergency plan which provides for the construction of markets. “We have already proposed to the municipality of Casablanca five sites in the Moulay Rachid district for the construction of model markets in order to put an end to the expansion of street vendors in the streets and alleys,” confides a manager to the site. Al3omk.
Read: Morocco faces the headache of street vendors
He will add: “We found land belonging to the State (state land) in sector 2 of the Moulay Rachid district, precisely on Avenue Fqih Mohamed Essamadi. This project will be submitted for approval during the ordinary session of the municipal council. This is only the beginning to limit the proliferation of anarchic street vendors.”
The official points out that “the liberation of the public domain occupied by street vendors in the Moulay Rachid district falls within the competence of local authorities and not of the municipality”, underlining the difficulty of expropriating land belonging to individuals to build markets models.