In the current context of a cold wave which is hitting the mountainous province of Azilal hard, this sanctuary, far from being a simple roof, is intended to be a haven of warmth and a refuge for those who, overwhelmed by the difficulties of life, are exposed to the rigors of winter.
Through this gesture, the INDH, a pioneer in the protection of people in precarious situations, works to restore their dignity, by offering them the hope of reintegration and the possibility of being reborn in society.
This center, of a social and human nature, was created thanks to the INDH and its social partners, offering accommodation, catering and meeting the essential needs of people in difficulty.
At the heart of this structure which has established itself as a regional model, fully embodying solidarity in each of its facets, several dozen people find refuge and an ideal living space to rethink their lives. Homeless people find not only a place of rest and respite, but comprehensive support, meeting their most essential needs, whether medical, nutritional or psychological.
Every aspect of their daily life is taken care of with care, offering them a framework conducive to healing, stability and inner peace.
In a statement to MAP, Issam Benaassou Head of the Social Action Division of Azilal stressed that this Center, initiated as part of the 3rd phase of the INDH, particularly the Program relating to the support of people in situations of precariousness stands out for its objective aimed at supporting people in precarious situations, particularly the homeless, recalling that the creation of this Center required funding of 3 million dirhams in order to offer an environment conducive to residents.
-In partnership with a local association which manages it, the Center is committed to providing comprehensive social, medical and psychological support, meeting the immediate needs of vulnerable people, said Mr. Benaassou, noting that during periods of wave cold, it becomes a vital place for the homeless due to the drop in temperatures in this predominantly mountainous province.
For his part, Hicham Ahrar, president of the Noor association for the protection of homeless people in Azilal, recalled that the Center has a large litter capacity for men and women, a kitchen, bathrooms , sanitary facilities and several lounges for the comfort of residents, indicating that the Nour Association in charge of supervising this Center continues its interventions on the ground for the transfer of people in difficulty from the street to the Center.
And to add that the Center offers particular attention to the moral and physical stability of the residents, and this in a human and supportive framework fully in line with the priorities of the 3rd phase of the INDH aimed at the lasting improvement of conditions. life of the most vulnerable.
After the dazzling success of the first and second phases of the National Initiative for Human Development, the third phase of this major project seems to be turning towards a new vision bringing hope and even structuring because, based on four coherent and complementary programs.
The INDH, we recall, targets all social categories, headed by people in difficulty, in a logic of fairness and equal opportunities with the aim of reducing social gaps and territorial disparities. at the national level, all within the framework of a participatory approach based on governance and good management.