The Department of Agriculture is working on the hydro-agricultural development of the Tamri perimeter (Souss-Massa). This ambitious project is planned in view of the construction of the Tamri dam in the region. The latter will represent a major advance in the management of water resources and the agricultural development of this strategic coastal zone. It aims to meet the growing demand for drinking water and irrigation water while strengthening the region’s water security and sustainably improving the valorization of irrigation water for the farmers benefiting from the project.
The ministry has therefore mandated the Aqualtis Conseil firm to carry out the hydro-agricultural development feasibility study for this area. This will involve assessing the technical, economic, environmental and social viability of this large-scale project, the repercussions of which are likely to be significant for the prefecture of Agadir-Ida Outanane and its inhabitants. The consultation should result in the establishment of a summary preliminary project with the proposal of variants of development of the perimeter. The latter should have a significant impact on investment and operating costs: network layout, design flow, pressurization, installation of structures, terminals/outlets, etc. Likewise, the proposed development plans must ensure localized irrigation of the entire perimeter, without restrictions, taking into account existing developments and the way users are organized. Aqualtis will also have to propose a crop rotation adapted to the context and available water resources and which allows the best possible valorization of irrigation water.
In terms of estimating the costs of the equipment, the consultant is called upon to evaluate all the components of the project, including those concerning the possible expropriation of the rights-of-way of the planned equipment. The development variants to be proposed must take into account several elements, including the quality of the water supplied, the existing irrigation infrastructure, the current and future mode of organization of water users, the amount of investments and the cost price per m³ of water and the production systems used and those planned.