Obviously, this young man found it amusing to drive very fast on the quays of Geneva. Roads certainly very straight, but limited to 60 km/h. In January 2023, he achieved the feat of being flashed four times on the same day. At 140 km/h first on the Quai de Cologny, then 113 and 99 km/h on the Quai Général-Guisan before finishing two hours later with 139 km/h, again on the Quai de Cologny.
The culprit was also a learner driver. Residing in France, he was banned from traveling in Switzerland. But he was intercepted a few months later while driving on the road to Saint-Julien.
Tuesday January 7, he appeared before the police court, a hearing followed by the “Tribune de Genève”. This was almost as quick as the defendant’s trips, since an agreement had been reached between the parties, giving rise to a simplified procedure, without debate. The man in his twenties was sentenced to twenty-four months in prison, a fine and the costs of the proceedings to be borne by him.
But he still received a threat from the judge: “If you commit any offense during this period, you will have to serve the twenty-four months! This is not an empty sentence!” He is also still prohibited from driving in Switzerland.