Canada from the United States | Duty

Canada from the United States | Duty
Canada from the United States | Duty

The former and future president of the United States is certainly right to think that many of our tens of millions of Canadians would like to become American citizens in a new way. state having its star on the flag. However, he seems to forget that it was partly to protect against this fad that the Canadian federation was born. Above all, he seems to forget that a greater number of the several hundred million Americans would like to become citizens of an eleventh Canadian province.

Obviously, they would pay a little more in taxes, which would quickly seem like a very small price to pay to have access to free health care.

To live in a country where the proportion of graduates is greater because education is within everyone’s reach without them having to go into debt for life.

To live in a country where people don’t kill each other more than anywhere else in the world.

To live in a country where parents can send their children to school without wondering if they will fall victim to another shooting.

To live in a country where people are less abrasive in their daily relationships and where it is still possible to drive your car without fearing the violence of an episode of road rage.

To live in a country where it is possible to walk in your city at night without fearing for your life.

To live in a country where doctors don’t let people die in their cars in the hospital parking lot because they wonder if they’ll be sued for treating them or even if they’ll get paid.

To live in a country that welcomed them, housed and fed them freely, jovially and happily, when their towers of pride were attacked by fools of God.

To live in a country that does not threaten its allies, friends and partners with punitive tariffs to export to them what they do not produce themselves.

To live in a country where vulgarity, insult, distrust and violence are less common than generosity, candor and, yes, a certain good-natured naivety.

In short, to live in a country where it is good to live together, to love those we want to love, to care for the sick, to be master of our bodies.

All without being obsessed by walls, borders, the color of skin, the smell of money, the purity of blood.

Many of our neighbors to the South would choose Quebec because, as one of our greatest troubadour singers said, for a people without history, we are quite full of fun.

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