Located in Longchamp-sur-Aujon, Variétés Cabaret is gaining notoriety and attracting more and more people from Haut-Marnais. To get there, “crazy work” involves preparation, organization…
Rhinestones, feathers, sequins, dance, ''show'' in front… Varieties Cabaret has been wowing us for over 10 years. Behind these majestic shows hide two people to whom we owe a organisation completely insane: Caroline Bertrand and Grégory Pascal
An effective duo
Respectively vice–president and president, these volunteers (just like the rest of the troop) do not count their hours. writing work, choreographiesvoice-over, lights, sets, administration, reservations, accounting, letters… “Our days should be 48 hours, you really have to be passionate“, lance Caroline. “If we are here today, it is because there is a huge amount of work behind it. We are giving ourselves the means and it is the result of a lot of work” add Gregory.
They play overtime
A saison takes place over a year and a half, from September to April of the following year then from September to December of that same year. Then come the extensions which take place in January and February.
“We allow ourselves things that we wouldn’t do in life.”
In 2025, there will be four dates in prolongationtwo in Bar/sur/Aube and two in Chaumont. “In septemberwe have opened reservations for extensions from January and February 2025. They started at 8 a.m. From 7:30 a.m. it didn't stop ringing, saturation of my voicemail, up to 67 missed calls while I was taking a call. reservation. Caro and I couldn't move until 1:30 p.m.! One woman even tried to call for 2.5 hours to reach us!” explains Grégory.
The 700 places planned for the first evening in Chaumont were sold in 3 hours… “So we had to add a date the next day in order to try to satisfy as many people as possible.”
Great teamwork
Caroline mainly takes care of the visuals of the spectacle and choreography while Grégory manages the technical side and the staging. “But it’s really a four-handed job.” These two acolytes are in contact at least once a day and for each, it is a work every moment, day and night.
Strong experience
“No graphics brought another dimension, credibility, legitimacy to the association. This contributes to our growth!”they specify. Grégory quickly worked on communication, the logo, with ''La commande'', located in Biesles. He also has “harassed TF1 for 1 year, one email per day, and it paid off!” Then, France 2 also contacted them… A great recognition of their involvement. “My desire is to develop the name of Variétés Cabaret to highlight investment of all volunteers”supports Gregory, proud of his troop.
A renowned cabaret
The cabaret is even listed in the book “100 ideas to do in France”, unimaginable for this small group of volunteersstarting from almost nothing, apart from their motivation and their dedication. They believed in this project which today takes on a scale nationale !
However, these seasoned volunteers remain humble and unsure of themselves despite the years that go by: “the scène is a therapy underlines Caroline. “We allow ourselves things that we would not do in life. We are in situations charactersit helps with self-esteem. We are always questioning ourselves, we doubt everything but that’s what keeps us moving forward.”