The success of the Kings Day in Delémont still remains intact. Once again, the Saint-Georges room was packed Monday evening to listen to the fanfare of the Union instrumentale de Delémont and taste the balls of bread from the galette. There were precisely 500 of them, duly served on a platter by the bourgeois men and women of Delémont in their frock coats and top hats and “Sunday peasant” clothes. And with them, municipal employees from each department. Those who lost out? “No, not at all! I come every year,” one retorts vehemently.
Five hundred balls, then, and twenty beans. It is said that one year, they forgot to mix everything and the crowns went to the guests at only one table. “I also heard it, but I cannot confirm it,” smiles Chancellor Nicolas Guenin. None of that this year. We still ask: what does it feel like to be queen, Madam? “Oh, this is the first time I’ve won anything.”
Photos… to frame, of course!
In this case, in addition to the cardboard jewelry, a voucher for 20 fr. in Delémont businesses and a series of photos of the city stamped Pierre Montavon. The station, an alley in the old town… What will she do with it? “Frame them of course!” Another is more modest in his triumph: “The main thing is to participate.” To wash it all down, a small glass of white mulled wine made from wine from the Château’s vines.