Senegal’s exit from the LDCs: Yassine Fall curbs the enthusiasm of the United Nations – Lequotidien

Senegal’s exit from the LDCs: Yassine Fall curbs the enthusiasm of the United Nations – Lequotidien
Senegal’s exit from the LDCs: Yassine Fall curbs the enthusiasm of the United Nations – Lequotidien

The day after the publication of a UN resolution announcing Senegal’s withdrawal from the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for a 5-year transition, the Ministry of African Integration and Foreign Affairs split a press release to say that this is the start of the exit process. A way to temper enthusiasm when the UN had already specified this in its resolution?Par Dieynaba Kane –

In a note dated December 23, 2024, the UN announced that its General Assembly on December 19 adopted a resolution on the withdrawal of Cambodia and Senegal from the category of Least Developed Countries. With a 5 year transition. Just after the release of this information, the Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs published a press release to provide clarification on this issue. According to Yassine Fall, “it is rather the beginning of a process which could lead to the withdrawal of Senegal from this category after a transition of five (5) years, following the recommendation of the Policy Committee development of the United Nations (UN). And added in his document: “Indeed, the withdrawal of a country from the LDC category follows a procedure within the competent organs of the United Nations system.” Thus, says the Minister of Foreign Affairs, “it appears from resolution A/Res/79/230 of December 19, 2024, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, that a period of five (5) years was retained to allow Senegal to prepare for its exit from this category. “It is at the end of this transitional period that the withdrawal could be pronounced,” declares Yassine Fall in his press release.
Furthermore, the Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs underlines that in order to “avoid any upheaval of its development program, the government is working on the development of a smooth national transition strategy, backed by its new framework for public policies entitled “Senegal 2050 National Transformation Agenda””.
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