Tribute to Claire Doubre

Tribute to Claire Doubre
Tribute to Claire Doubre

Well known in the Haut- agricultural world as a technician at the Chamber of Agriculture, Claire Doubre died on December 18. A tribute was paid to him during his funeral, in Levis, in Yonne.

As François Contat, a retired engineer, recalls, she worked for 35 years in the service of Haut-Marne agriculture. During the ceremony, the department was represented by numerous agricultural managers, employees and farmers. Coming from the Chamber of Agriculture or the various groups and associations in which Claire Doubre worked, they were all unanimous in praising her professionalism and dynamism. Her areas of action have successively been sheep, Ardennes draft horses, biodiversity… François Contat speaks of a strong temperament which has always led her into the heat of action.

She had also agreed to take responsibility for the general agri-food union of Haute-Marne for the CFDT. A delegation paid tribute to her and to all those who accompanied her during her health challenges.

Thanks were also sent to him on behalf of Relais 52 in which Claire Doubre was involved and had assumed the role of treasurer. She was keen on this companionship in solidarity within this association “to welcome unconditionally but not without rules of people weakened by life”. François Contat speaks of her as a person “with multiple passions, radiant and with a communicative joy”.

“Passionate, without limits and always on the ground”, Claire Doubre has always been appreciated in the different positions she has assumed within the technical teams of the Chamber of Agriculture even if “sometimes, in power games, she did not receive the recognition she deserved. He continues: “like you, we know that the situations of both farmers and employees are varied in this agricultural and rural world. There is not one but several agricultures and nostalgia for the past cannot mask the divergent or even opposing interests of its components. Yes, you tried to keep these roots that nourished you and respected everyone as a person and as an actor.”

François Contat concludes: “The numerous tributes paid to him have borne witness to this and have, without doubt, partly filled these gaps. All those who accompanied her and, in particular, her family, rejoice in these comforting messages.”

Frédéric Thévenin



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