For each of us, whatever our history, the Christmas celebration resonates with a particular tone marked by joy, peace and the warmth of encounters, especially family ones.
Christmas, consciously or not, signifies to us the closeness of God. Perhaps this is what touches us, joins us and amazes us. God becomes close, he becomes one of us, in total simplicity, far from worldliness or rumors. Unlike the great people of this world, he was born in a humble nursery, in a village unknown to everyone.
Despite the extreme deprivation of this birth, he will be recognized by the simplest people of the time, poor shepherds who arrive and are amazed…
This is the grace of Christmas: the irruption of God into the daily lives of our lives!
The proximity thus revealed enchants us, fills us and reassures us. God has not forgotten us; he loves us so much that he comes to share our life: “And the Word became flesh, and he dwelt among us” (Gospel according to Saint John).
This little child, so fragile in his mother's arms and so close to us, is Jesus, fully man but also fully God; such is the Faith of Christians. For 2,000 years, they have been announcing this Good News: God came to live among us to show us his love and tenderness. It is therefore quite normal that Christmas evokes the joy and warmth of a meeting.
Closeness to God, that is to say ease of speaking with him, of meeting him, of letting oneself be loved by him, of letting him act… Such is the beauty of the Christian message.
He is the Savior of the world, with him everything becomes possible
We thus discover that a meeting, a word, an exchange is possible with the Creator, with God himself. Christmas reveals this to us gently, but powerfully. Also, let's not hesitate to stop in front of a crèche. Our towns or villages necessarily have one. Let us not hesitate to speak to this child, to share with him our joys or the weight of our lives, our questions or our Hope. He is God made man, he is the Savior of the world, with him everything becomes possible.
Proximity which generates a friendship with God, that is to say a shared love, received and given, the joy of a reciprocal presence, the simplicity of a silence, thanksgiving or praise. These simple acts which allow a proximity thus discovered to transform into a meeting and a real friendship. This is why God came among us. He impatiently awaits our gaze, our prayer, our love… Christmas is therefore a true love story between God and each of us, and then between all of us who put ourselves at his school.
Happy and happy Christmas to everyone; may the nearness of God be our joy!