the council establishes the Abri Gisèle-Halimi, a place to fight against violence

the council establishes the Abri Gisèle-Halimi, a place to fight against violence
the council establishes the Abri Gisèle-Halimi, a place to fight against violence

In municipal council on Monday, December 16 at town hall, the municipal majority (on the left) proposed renaming the Beauséjour space. Located at 28, rue des Écoles, this place which already hosts the Maison des adolescents and the CIDFF (Information Center on the Rights of Women and Families), will now be called the Shelter (Welcome Kindness, Resources and Inclusion) Gisèle-Halimi. The Women’s Rights collective, as well as Family Planning and Artemisia (an association committed to the fight against domestic violence) will also integrate the site.

“A place for support from A to Z”

The Gisèle-Halimi shelter will aim to promote the place of women in the city, to fight against violence in all its forms, and to offer support to LGBTQIA+ people (1). « It will centralize all entries, women will no longer have to move from one association to another, they will be able to be taken care of from A to Z, including certain medical aspects, or even filing complaints, explained Christelle Leclerc, assistant for women’s rights. As part of the feminization of names in the public space, we chose to give her the name Gisèle Halimi (1927-2020) in relation to all her work committed to feminism and the fight against discrimination. » “I do not clearly see the relationship between women’s rights and the defense of LGBTQIA+ people, a list of behaviors which are part of everyone’s freedom but which ultimately transforms society into a mosaic of communities to the detriment of living together, reacted elected RN Michel Chassier. On the name, no surprise, another left-wing personality…”he regretted.

“We often make a link between discrimination linked to gender and discrimination linked to sexual orientation, replied Claire Louis, assistant for associative life, to justify the choice to call the structure after Gisèle Halimi. Furthermore, we looked for a female far-right figure who was committed to women’s rights… but we didn’t find them.she added. “I agree that there should be recognition given to LGBTQIA+, but we should add the h in heterosexual, because they too participate in this fight for equality,” added municipal councilor Christophe Degruelle. The deliberation was voted on, minus the abstention of Mr. Chassier.

(1) Lesbians”, “Gays”, “Bisexuals”, “Trans”, “Queers”, “Intersex”, “Asexual”.



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