What is the emergence of citizen energies program?
“The objective is to create a collective of citizens who wish to get involved and learn for our objective: to invest in a renewable energy project”, summarizes Clémence Rondeau, vice-president of Mayenne community in charge of ecological transition, Friday November 29, 2024.
The intercommunality is launching its “emergence of citizen energies” program, in partnership with Récit (Citizen Energy Network) and Synergies, as part of its Territorial Climate Air Energy Plan (PCAET) 2021-2026. “The first axis of the plan concerns citizen engagement, with communities and businesses,” recalls Fanny Goineau, project manager.
Who can participate?
The inhabitants of the 33 communes of Mayenne community. “We want to involve the entire territory and mix the north, south, east and west, so as not only to have people from the city, details Clémence Rondeau. All goodwill must be present. »
Fanny Goineau hopes for a collective “intergenerational, with a mix of men and women” et “a hard core of 5 to 10 people”. Those who wish “can be added later”.
What is the timetable?
The program is expected to last 24 months. The first phase is intended to “the rise in skills of citizens”, indicates Clémence Rondeau. It includes five free events, every 8th of the month, from December to April: a film debate; a gesticulated lecture; a game aperitif; a visit to a rooftop photovoltaic production site and a role play.
The second phase will consist of organizing the collective with a “hard core”, before launching the project in the third phase. “The idea is that the first meeting takes place before the summer,” says Fanny Goineau.
Read also: Ecological transition: with his drone, he films “emblematic sites” in Mayenne community
Which project to choose?
“We opted instead for photovoltaics,” recognizes Clémence Rondeau. She believes that “solar is more acceptable for everyone” and announces that Mayenne community “asked the municipalities to identify possible locations”. Fanny Goineau continues: “Photovoltaics can be installed in small spaces. »
“If the collective wants to do wind power or something else, it’s possible, completes the mission manager. The idea is that they put money in and get into governance. »
Who finances this project?
The cost of the program is estimated at €20,000 and it is “funded 70% by Ademe (Environment and Energy Management Agency)”, explains Clémence Rondeau.
The members of the collective will invest in the renewable energy project. “The investment will depend on the scale of the project, warns the vice-president. We will adapt to all budgets. It will be up to them to see if there will be a minimum price or not. »
What are the expected outcomes?
One of the objectives is to “bring back citizen savings to our territory”, notes Clémence Rondeau. She notes that “Renewable energies are developing because there is an economy in place, except that the benefits are minimal. »
If the investments are profitable, the idea is to “continue to invest in citizen energies or actions in favor of sustainable development”.
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