Updated on 27/11/2024
Since the summer of 2017, the A63 motorway has been equipped with a dynamic speed regulation system aimed at optimizing traffic flow capacity during the busiest times. In view of the positive results observed on traffic conditions, the State, Bordeaux-Métropole and the Gironde departmental council have decided to extend this system to the A62 motorway from November 27, 2024. The equipped section extends over 10 km between interchange 1.1 (La Brède) and the Bordeaux ring road.
This new section will optimize traffic flow on the entire A62 towards Bordeaux, particularly during morning rush hours.
- What is dynamic speed control?
This involves adapting regulatory speeds to traffic conditions so as to maintain a flow rate close to the maximum capacity of the lanes for as long as possible by homogenizing traffic by reducing the speed differential between vehicles and thus promoting use optimal use of both traffic lanes.
- What are the effects of dynamic speed control?
The dynamic speed regulation system makes it possible to delay and reduce the appearance of congestion, to better control travel times, particularly during peak hours, to improve user safety by limiting the number of accidents/incidents, particularly due to lane changes and “accordion” traffic and to reduce the polluting effects of traffic on the environment.
- How does dynamic speed control work?
Traffic data is collected in real time by counting loops. When traffic becomes denser, the system induces a reduction in speed before saturation to maintain free-flowing traffic for as long as possible.
The speed thus varies automatically, sometimes decreasing, sometimes increasing, depending on actual traffic conditions. It will be modulated from 130 km/h to 70 km/h in the south-north direction, in steps of 20 km/h. The normal situation is restored when traffic becomes less dense again.
- A system serving these users
It offers better driving comfort and improved safety, thanks to reduced slowdowns (less accordion phenomena) and fewer overtaking maneuvers (less lane changes and braking). It reduces stress thanks to calmer driving, as well as saving time: a reduction in speeds can in fact save several minutes by avoiding the formation of traffic jams. Finally, it allows fuel savings and a gain on environmental impacts, particularly on greenhouse gas emissions.
- Signs put up to inform users
Information signs are installed on all access ramps and at the end of the section to indicate to users that they are entering a regulated speed zone (installed on all access ramps) or that they are leaving it (installed at the end of the section). Likewise, dspeed limit signs shave installed in the middle of the track to indicate to the user that they are entering a section with regulated speed and prescribe the speed to be respected. The maximum authorized speed is also reminded by illuminated signs on the shoulder of the A 62. In total, fourteen illuminated signs have now been installed.
To better understand dynamic speed regulation, discover the animation on the DIR Atlantique website http://www.dira.fr/