Scientific mediations and social uses of knowledge | ECHOSCIENCES

Scientific mediations and social uses of knowledge | ECHOSCIENCES
Scientific mediations and social uses of knowledge | ECHOSCIENCES

At the Bergès building (INSPE, 1025 rue de la piscine in Saint-Martin-d’Hères), from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Mixing actions to detect vocations and raise awareness for all, the speeches on “Scientific and technical culture for all” seem to forget that secondary education systematically categorizes age groups into a minority of scientists and a majority of “non-scientists”. To the individual cognitive obstacles, high school thus adds for this majority a “conative” obstacle which will lead to a resignation of no longer being able to be interested in science later. Thus, scientific mediation actions can be analyzed in two groups. One organizes the dialogue between “scientists in the school sense” and “laymen”, thus amplifying this divide. The other tries to favor a contrario the appropriation of knowledge and methods in order to allow some to overcome the school imprint of incompetence. But should we not first of all prevent the creation of this divide?

Par Olivier Las VergnasUniversity Professor in Education and Training Sciences, Head of the “Learning, Training and Digital” team at the Education and Training Research Center at the University of Paris-Nanterre, Associate Doctoral Research Director at the Interuniversity Center for Education Research in Lille at the University of Lille.

Event organized as part of the summer school of scientific mediation organized by Territoire de Sciences in partnership with the University of Grenoble Alpes and supported by the Science with and for Society (SAPS) program.



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