Candidate Cédric Briolais (NFP) maintains his candidacy in the 10th constituency of Yvelines

Candidate Cédric Briolais (NFP) maintains his candidacy in the 10th constituency of Yvelines
Candidate Cédric Briolais (NFP) maintains his candidacy in the 10th constituency of Yvelines

Cédric Briolais (LFI), invested by the New Popular Front, who came in third place after Aurore Bergé (Ensemble!) and Thomas du Chalard (RN), is not withdrawing his candidacy for the second round. Voters in the 10th constituency of Yvelines will face a three-way race.

Since Sunday evening, June 30, he had not wanted to express his position. It was in a post on X, on the night of Monday to Tuesday, that the candidate confirmed that he would indeed be in the second round of the legislative elections in the 10th constituency of Yvelines.

While it is at the bottom of the podium, having won 22.40% of the votes cast, this decision goes against the national guidelines. The party has indicated that in the event of third place, the NFP candidates would withdraw if the RN is in the lead.

“The risk that the RN wins is negligible”

He explains: “It’s the Ensemble! candidate who is leading in our constituency. The risk that the RN will win is negligible.” A decision that is sometimes poorly perceived on the social network. Voters who fear that the transfer of votes from other candidates (LR and Reconquête), “will inflate the RN’s score.”

Cédric Briolais indicates that he “verified that the RN could not pass. Aurore Bergé is supported by part of the Republicans and by the Radical Left Party (PRG). From the moment she has all these allies, nothing could prevent her from maintaining a candidacy”. The candidate is notably supported by Gérard Larcher, president (LR) of the Senate, former mayor of Rambouillet.

But then why not withdraw? “Since 2017, we have been forced to adopt blockade votes. I think that the working-class neighborhoods, the youth who have mobilized, want to vote for a different program and want another possibility to be proposed to the south of Yvelines,” says the candidate.

“We can also say that some are voting for the dégagisme. In the event of a withdrawal, people who voted for LFI will find themselves voting RN because of this reluctance to vote for the presidential majority, he adds. It is up to Aurore Bergé to do what is necessary to develop unity around her candidacy.”

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Julien Gautrelet, PRG candidate supported by 2,260 voters, or 3.39% of the votes cast in the first round, denounces “the individual adventures of the candidates”, also referring to the LR candidate Gaël Barbotin (8.71% in the first round), who did not give clear voting instructions. “Briolais cannot reasonably think of making up for his 7,000 vote deficit (compared to Aurore Bergé Editor’s note). As a matter of responsibility, I called, on Sunday evening, to support Aurore Bergé.”

Jade Saved



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