Jeanne-Lajoie’s Class of 2024 honoured at graduation ceremony

Jeanne-Lajoie’s Class of 2024 honoured at graduation ceremony
Jeanne-Lajoie’s Class of 2024 honoured at graduation ceremony

Published Jul 02, 2024Last updated 7 minutes ago4 minute read

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On June 20, 39 students from Jeanne-Lajoie Catholic Secondary School in Pembroke walked across the stage to receive their diplomas, successfully concluding their high school education.

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The ceremony celebrating the Class of 2024 took place at the French-language Catholic school before a gymnasium full of proud family members and friends of the graduates looking on.

Mathieu Pellerin, who was named the 2024 class valedictorian, said he was honoured to have been chosen to deliver the farewell speech on behalf of the 2024 graduates of Jeanne-Lajoie Catholic School.

He began by remarking that they had all gathered for the ceremony to celebrate not only the end of an important chapter in their lives, but also the beginning of a new one. He thanked school administration, teachers, his classmates and his family before turning to more personal thoughts.

“This moment is super meaningful for me, having spent my entire life in this incredible school, from my first steps at Garderie les Petites Mains until today, where I am taking these last steps to receive my high school diploma.

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“Throughout these years, we have shared laughter, challenges and triumphs. We learned not only academic subjects, but also important life lessons. Our teachers, our friends and our parents have been our guides, pushing us to give the best of ourselves and to never give up, even in difficult times,” he said.

Mathieu Pellerin was chosen as the Jeanne-Lajoie Catholic Secondary School Class of 2024 valedictorian. In the fall, he will be attending Nipissing University to take the Concurrent Education program. Photo by Anthony Dixon /jpg, PM, apsmc

On behalf of all the graduates, he expressed deep gratitude to their teachers.

“Your constant support, words of encouragement and dedication to our education have been incredible. You not only shared your knowledge with us but you also took the time to get to know us as individuals, helping us grow in a caring environment,” the valedictorian said.

Sports played a central role in his school career, he noted, adding from it he learned the values of teamwork, perseverance and discipline.

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“These experiences taught me that with hard work and determination, anything is possible. The victories shared and the defeats overcome together have forged bonds that will last a lifetime,” he said.

Reflecting on their joint high-school journey, Pellerin said he was filled with gratitude for the many memories he and his classmates made together from study evenings for an exam or test, to the Christmas gala, to sporting events, and other moments of comradery.

“We grew up together and it is this unity that made our school experience something truly special,” the valedictorian said.

Before concluding, he spoke directly to his classmates, stating he was convinced that the values and lessons they learned at Jeanne-Lajoie would guide them to future success.

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“Together, we have had moments of glory and moments of doubt, but we always found a way to get back up and keep moving forward. It is this resilience that I will carry with me as we move towards new places. I wish you all the success and happiness in the world. Continue to dream big and work hard to achieve your aspirations. Never let obstacles discourage you because we have proven that we have the strength to overcome them,” Pellerin said.

Awards, medals and bursaries were presented to the following students:

The Governor General’s Academic Medal, awarded to the graduating student with the highest average, was presented to William Moreau.

The Lieutenant Governor’s Community Volunteer Award for Students, which pays tribute to students who not only complete the required number of volunteer hours to graduate, but who go above and beyond, was awarded to Audrey Pilon.

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Ontario Scholars (are high school graduates in the Canadian province of Ontario who attain an average of 80% or greater in their six best Grade 12 courses.) – Victoria Bergeron, Julien Dubois, Clara LeMoine, Oceane Jean Deschenes, Ella Howard, William Moreau, Julius Devine, Madison Langlois, Leo-Charles Ouellette.

Studio La Pomme Verte Scholarship – Allyson Petit; Student Government Scholarship – Julien Dubois, Madison Langlois, Clara LeMoine; Pembroke Minor Hockey Scholarship – Mathieu Pellerin; Pembroke Rotary Club Scholarship – Molly Seegmiller; Bradley Law Scholarship – Clara LeMoine; Pembroke Diocese Scholarship – Renee Pilon; Pembroke Kiwanis Club Scholarship – Oceane Boucher; CsC Jeanne-Lajoie Scholarship, secondary building – William Moreau; CECCE Scholarship – William Moreau, Mathieu Pellerin.

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CSC Jeanne-Lajoie Scholarship, Elementary Pavilion – Evelyne-Jade Morneault; Major High Specialist Scholarship – Kassidy Gorr, Evelyne-Jade Morneault; CSC Jeanne-Lajoie Staff Scholarship, Secondary Pavilion – Julien Dubois; Petawawa Rotary Club Scholarship – Kassidy Gorr; RJ Baxter Scholarship – Isabelle Bouchard; “Sonny Vaudry” Scholarship from Vaudry Bus Lines – William Morneau; “Our Ancestors” Scholarship from the Saint-Jean Baptiste Parish – Renee Pilon.

CECCE Inclusion Leadership Scholarship – Madison Langlois; Dilfo HVAC Ltd. Scholarship – Danick Bourque; Patricia DeMontigny Scholarship – Renee Pilon; Pembroke Masonic Lodge Scholarship – Audrey Pilon; Renfrew County Road Supervisors Association Scholarship – Leo-Charles Ouellette; Upper Ottawa Valley Chamber of Commerce Scholarship – Jacob Pyoli; Athletic Committee Scholarship – Mathieu Pellerin; Alterna Savings Scholarship – Flora Njike; Knights of Columbus “Mgr. JR Windle” Scholarship – William Moreau.

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Management Scholarship – Mathieu Pellerin; Federation of French Canadian Women Scholarship – Audrey Pilon; True-Centre Auto Service Scholarship – Vincent Morneau; PARE Scholarship – Oceane Boucher, Oceane Deschenes; Societe Saint-Jean-Baptiste Scholarship – Julie Dubois; Petawawa Physio and Sports Injury Clinic Scholarship – Gabrielle Massicotte; Valley Transportation Scholarship – Molly Seegmiller; Quintal Professional Corporation Scholarship – Flora Njike.

Library Scholarship – Lauren Allard; ADFO Scholarship – Evelyne-Jade Morneault; University of Ottawa Perseverance Scholarship – Madison Langlois; Foundation of Catholic Schools of Central East Scholarship – Cloe Delisle; ACFO Champlain Scholarship – Julien Dubois; Pembroke Soccer Club Scholarship – Xavier Gagnon; Western Inspirational Scholarship – Clara LeMoine; COOP CECCE Scholarship – Vincent Morneau; PAJO CECCE Scholarship – Jacob Pyoli; La Cite Scholarship – Kassidy Gorr.

Avenir Scholarship – Xavier Gagnon; Stone Fence Theatre Scholarship – Jacob Pyoli; School/Community Engagement Scholarship – Victoria Bergeron; PAJO Scholarship Ministry of Education – Julius Devine; Dick Plummer Marine Scholarship – Danick Bourque; Engage Physio and Massage Therapy Scholarship – Lauren Allard; Robinson’s Auto Service Scholarship – Mathieu Pellerin; Sean Conway Scholarship – Leo-Charles Ouellette.

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