One of the largest and most dilapidated buildings in Toulouse is to be demolished

One of the largest and most dilapidated buildings in Toulouse is to be demolished
One of the largest and most dilapidated buildings in Toulouse is to be demolished

It is a page of Toulouse’s history that is being turned in the Reynerie district. On Monday, July 1, 2024, the Les Chalets group announced the launch of a new phase of demolition of the Gluck building, one of the largest buildings in the city, built in the 1970s by the visionary architect Georges Candilis. This demolition marks a key step in an ambitious urban renovation project as reported by Toulouse News.

A large-scale mechanical deconstruction

The work, scheduled to last a month, began with the mechanical deconstruction of an entire wing of the building, now unoccupied. In a carefully secured perimeter, the first two weeks will be devoted to the methodical deconstruction of the building, from top to bottom. Equipped with a large-arm mechanical shovel, fitted with a concrete clamp and a protective apron, the demolition team will proceed to “nibble” the structure. To minimize the nuisance, a misting system will be used to eliminate suspended dust emissions.

« The operations will be carried out using a large-arm mechanical shovel, equipped with a concrete clamp and a protective apron to protect the surroundings from the rubble. A misting system will also eliminate suspended dust emissions. The teams responsible for the work will then remove the rubble, which will be recycled. “, explains the group Les Chalets in comments relayed by Toulouse News.

A New Face for Reynerie

The partial demolition of the Gluck building is facilitated by its particular structure. The tripod wings are articulated around double walls that provide an expansion joint function, thus simplifying dismantling. Since mid-June, a security perimeter has surrounded the work area, with the installation of fences and the adaptation of the path for pedestrians.

Over the next few years, the Gluck building site will be transformed into a green and friendly space. A square and new sports facilities will be built, offering residents of the Reynerie district an improved and modernized living environment. This transformation is part of a larger urban renovation project aimed at revitalizing and beautifying this sector of Toulouse.

A final tribute to Georges Candilis

Although the demolition of the Gluck building symbolizes a turning point for the neighborhood, it also marks tribute to the architect Georges Candilis, whose constructions of the 70s left their mark on Toulouse urban planning. By renewing these spaces, the city honors Candilis’ legacy while adapting to the contemporary needs of its residents.

Source : Toulouse News



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