In Blois, young people highlight natural spaces

In Blois, young people highlight natural spaces
In Blois, young people highlight natural spaces

This Wednesday morning, the temperature is already over 25°C on the banks of the Cosson between Blois and Saint-Gervais-la-Forêt. Brush cutters are crackling in the meadow invaded by tall grass. Young people equipped with shears and machetes are busy under a hot sun cutting branches that are too long or tearing the bark off an invasive acacia.

The site of the former Russy shooting range is one of around forty natural spaces developed by the conservatory.
© (Photo NR)

We are on the site of the former Russy shooting range, several plots of which have been entrusted by Agglopolys to the care of the Conservatoire d’espaces naturels de Loir-et-Cher in order to develop this vast wasteland. The seven teenagers in full work are being monitored by the courts and are serving a community service sentence (TIG). An alternative to incarceration (1), this is unpaid work for the benefit of a community or association.

This is the first time that minors and young adults have participated together in a project called “collective TIG eco-citizenship”. As Valérie Fouchaux, territorial referent for community service in Loir-et-Cher and Indre-et-Loire, explains, “The idea was born on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the measure celebrated in 2023 and the meeting between professionals from the Prison Integration and Probation Service (Spip) and the Youth Judicial Protection (PJJ).”

Gaëlle Denies, Spip advisor at the TIG center, and Valérie Fouchaux, territorial representative 41 and 37 of the TIG.
© (Photo NR)

Valérie Fouchaux approached the Conservatoire d’espaces naturels de Loir-et-Cher, a partner of Spip since 2015. The project began concretely on Monday June 24 in the premises of the education league around a game called “Cap cité” intended to unite the group made up of seven people, five adults and two minors aged 17. “which worked very well”.

Young people hard at work clearing brush
© (Photo NR)

The young people got to know each other and worked together to create a city taking into account the constraints of transport, energy and services. “A dynamic was created, I reminded them of the rules of TIG and they all played the game, during the three days we had no absences or delays to deplore, some even carpooled.”

Then the young people met Cécile Legrand and Alexandre Pierrard, responsible for managing natural sites, to learn about the Conservatory’s actions. The teenagers then spent the whole day on Tuesday in Onzain (commune of Veuzain-sur-Loire) to set up a Japanese stepping stone path to enhance the “Croquis de Loire” trail just opposite the Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire.

“They all played the game, we had no absences or delays to complain about”

On Wednesday morning, the group had an appointment in Blois in this little-known place that is the former military site of Russy. After listening to the safety instructions and having equipped themselves with helmets and visors, the teenagers set to work to clear the brush around a path and the recently developed orchard.

Émilie Appercé and Laetitia Boutant, from the PJJ, got to work.
© (Photo NR)

Their action will help to promote a place that is worth a visit because of its flora, particularly wild orchids, and its fauna, particularly the shrike and the beaver. “It’s great, I was a little afraid of coming across some critters but it’s going well,” confides this young woman followed along with another minor by Émilie Appercé and Laetitia Boutant, educators at the PJJ. For their part, Gaëlle Denies and Anthony Lebas are prison probation integration advisors and are responsible for the five young adults. “This collective project allows us to get out of the traditional framework, being together for three days encourages exchanges and cohesion, it is an action which encourages them to get involved”, insist the four adults.

TIG also aims to promote the reintegration of convicted persons. Some then obtain training or even a work contract. Others can apply to do community service or become a volunteer for the association. Excited by this experience, one of the young people left a CV and a cover letter.

(1) Last year, 120 community service measures were pronounced by the Blois judicial court. The duration of community service can range from 20 hours to 400 hours to be carried out over 18 months.



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