Tourcoing. The new Pixel Brewery creates a beer in the image of this crazy pianist

Tourcoing. The new Pixel Brewery creates a beer in the image of this crazy pianist
Tourcoing. The new Pixel Brewery creates a beer in the image of this crazy pianist


Anne-Sophie Hourdeaux

Published on

Jul 2, 2024 at 5:36 PM

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In Tourcoing, a new brewery and taproom has just been launched: it is about Pixel Brewery, open since early June 2024 by Nicolas Burghgraeve. And his first beer is original: it is linked to a Tourcoing music personality, pianist Simon Fache! Soberly named “Simon Fache”, its label bears the face drawn by the eccentric artist who loves to surprise.

Why in Tourcoing?

Before becoming a brewer, Nicolas Burghgraeve was a genetics researcher. To open his business, he chose to settle in Tourcoing as an obvious choice. “When I was a student, with some roommates, a vote was held to choose a city to settle in. They chose Tourcoing. For me, it was more of a dormitory town, deserted in the evening…”

He had the idea of ​​creating a business to revitalize the city center and create connections and a festive spirit! “This city deserves, like Lille, to have dynamism in the evening and on weekends, which is why I open from Wednesday to Sunday from 4 p.m. to midnight!”

Why the name “Pixel Brewery”? “When I was looking for the identity I wanted to give to my business, I thought about what I loved: video games and pop culture, combined with the world of beer!”

Taproom and creation of its first beer

In its premises, we find the brewery part, with barrels and a taproom, with the sale of beers to take away as well. “You can taste local beers and small catering like boards on site. I will expand my menu as I meet people…” The place has a terrace for sunny days.

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Also, Pixel Brewery’s first beer has already been born: the “Simon Fache”. It is named after an artistic personality from Tourcoing, the disheveled, crazy pianist, king of humor and offbeat musical shows. “We have a mutual friend, Simon was seduced by the concept of having his own beer. I started from his tastes” says Nicolas.

A beer that, like its godfather Simon Fache, can only surprise. You will easily recognize it by its funny label: “It’s a fake brown at 5.7 degrees! We chose roasted wheat to give it its color, it is inspired by Belgian abbey beer, you might think it is strong but it is quite light” specifies our brewer.

Entertainment and a third-place atmosphere

At Pixel Brewery, events will soon be taking place. “There will be concerts, exhibitions, board games. Arcade terminals and retro consoles will soon be installed, a virtual reality headset demonstration is planned. I am also thinking about conferences on sustainable development because it is my fiber. I want my brewery to function as a third place, I will listen to people’s suggestions, desires…” explains the brewer

Nicolas received rental assistance for 36 months and assistance with the work. “The City of Tourcoing supported this great project to the tune of €18,572, which is fully contributing to the revitalization of our city center,” said Doriane Bécue, the mayor.

In fact, the project was one of 12 candidates validated following a call for projects from the city to revitalize the city center.

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