A second successful edition for the Lac-Saint-Jean Tennis Open

A second successful edition for the Lac-Saint-Jean Tennis Open
A second successful edition for the Lac-Saint-Jean Tennis Open

The second edition of the Lac-Saint-Jean Tennis Open, held in Alma from June 26 to 30, was a great success. More than 55 matches were played during the five days of the tournament, and athletes from all over the region took part in the competition.

In fact, no fewer than ten municipalities from Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean were represented during the Omnium.

In the AA Elite class, it was David Marty of Saint-Honoré who took home the top honours. He defeated last year’s champion, Xavier Courchesne, in two sets of 6-4 and 6-4.

In the women’s class, it was Céline Sirois, from Saint-Luder-de-Milot, who emerged victorious by beating Almatoise Annie Milliard by a score of 6-4 and 6-3.

In table 2 for the men, Sébastien Girard of Alma defeated Thomas Casavant of Chicoutimi with a score of 7-5, 3-6 and 6-3.

In the 12-14 age group, Dolbeau-Mistassini native Philippe Trottier won against Almatois Gabriel Latour by a score of 6-0.

And finally, in the 10-12 age group, Thomas Desjardins won the title of winner against Lucas Tremblay of Chicoutimi with a score of 6-2.

The director and president of the Alma Tennis Club, Réjean Girard Steeve Tremblay, are pleased with how the second edition of the Omnium went. However, the rain forced several games to be held inside the Mario-Tremblay Centre.

Several athletes present this year should be back for the third edition of the Omnium next summer. Between now and then, several improvements should be made in order to further grow the event.



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