NFP Laboratory? The Lyon Metropolis under the Bernard Era

NFP Laboratory? The Lyon Metropolis under the Bernard Era
NFP Laboratory? The Lyon Metropolis under the Bernard Era

No fewer than six deliberations. This past Monday, June 24, the Voies lyonnaises, a vast network of two-way cycle paths currently under construction, occupied the metropolitan council of Greater Lyon for about fifty minutes. Majority and opposition combined, the representatives of the political groups chained together speeches and barbs. Before Bruno Bernard reserved the last word for himself.

His detractors accuse him – among other things – of not listening to the residents and mayors of the towns crossed by his “VL”? The president of the Métropole sharply sends them back to their ropes. “When I hear some of you say that we should stop when there is no consensus… Where would we be? The banks of the Rhône would still be a car park and Avenue Berthelot would not have a tramway. If, here, there are some who do politics to do nothing, we are in action,” he snaps.

“We will continue to seek consensus, and when we do not succeed, to seek compromises. And I am not the worst in this country at finding compromises,” concludes the ecologist, in full swing. An allusion to his participation in the negotiations of the New Popular Front. In the hemicycle, his troops

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