1.2 billion dirhams for the emergency rehabilitation program for the 4 provinces of the Guelmim-Oued Noun region

1.2 billion dirhams for the emergency rehabilitation program for the 4 provinces of the Guelmim-Oued Noun region
1.2 billion dirhams for the emergency rehabilitation program for the 4 provinces of the Guelmim-Oued Noun region

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The Council, which met under the chairmanship of Mbarka Bouaida, and in the presence of the wali of the region, Mohamed Najem Abhay and the governors of the provinces of Assa-Zag, Youssef Kheir, and Sidi Ifni, Hassan Sadki, adopted a framework partnership agreement for the implementation of an emergency urban rehabilitation program in the four provinces of the Guelmim-Oued Noun region (Guelmim, Tan-Tan, Assa-Zag and Sidi Ifni).

This program includes 59 projects a value of 1,2 billion of DHrelating to the rehabilitation of the following cities:

Guelmim: with 8 projects costing 220,59 MDH

So so : with 10 projects costing 279,29 MDH

Bouizakarne: with 10 projects costing 100 MDH

The Ouateya: with 5 projects costing 120 MDH

Assa: with 8 projects costing 164,57 MDH

Zag: with 8 projects costing 53 MDH

Sidi Ifni: with 10 projects costing 151,5 MDH

Mir Left: with 6 projects costing 111,05 MDH.

During this session, the Council approved four partnership agreements to implement the projects of this emergency program during the period 2024-2027 for the provinces d’Assa-Zag (217.57 MDH), Guelmim (320.59 MDH), Sidi Ifni (262.55 MDH) and Tan-Tan (399.29 MDH).

These four agreements aim to strengthen and rehabilitate the infrastructure of these provinces, to organize and develop their urban space and to improve the living conditions of the population.

Health, infrastructure and water

In the domain of Health, the council approved six partnership agreements within the framework of the regional development program 2022-2027. These are:

  • An agreement for an amount of 6 MDH to equip two emergency medical units in the municipalities of Taghjijte (province of Guelmim) and Tioughaza (province of Sidi Ifni).
  • An agreement to hire health personnel (50 MDH).
  • An agreement to organize medical caravans (30 MDH),
  • An agreement to equip health establishments and centers (51 MDH).
  • An agreement for the development and equipment of the psychiatry department of the Guelmim regional hospital center (3 MDH).
  • An agreement for the construction of two local hospitals in the municipalities of El Ouateyra and Mir Left (200 MDH).

A framework partnership agreement was also approved for the development of industrial infrastructure projects in the region, costing 300 MDH, as well as the creation of the El Ouateya economic activity zone.

Another privileged partnership agreement was also approved for the installation of mobile brackish water treatment plants and connection of mobile water desalination plants in Tan-Tan and Sidi Ifni to the distribution networks, for a budget of 91 MDH.

The members of the council also adopted a partnership agreement for the Upgrading the region’s media companiesat a cost of 4 MDH, a framework agreement for the development of the sports sector (31 MDH), and another convention for the construction of a regional training center for auxiliary forces personnel in the province of Assa-Zag.

(With MAP)

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