Legislative. Hugo Louvigné, “pragmatic” RN candidate in the 1st constituency of Maine-et-Loire

Legislative. Hugo Louvigné, “pragmatic” RN candidate in the 1st constituency of Maine-et-Loire
Legislative. Hugo Louvigné, “pragmatic” RN candidate in the 1st constituency of Maine-et-Loire

This Monday 1is July 2024, Hugo Louvigné took his afternoon off. His alternating job within a ” big business “ will wait a little, because the RN candidate who came in third place (23.12%) in the first constituency of Maine-et-Loire, in the framework of the 2024 legislative elections, has work on his plate.

“I’m coming out of an appointment at the prefecture, he said by phone that afternoon. With the campaign and my work, it’s a bit complicated.” Not sure he gets enough sleep, though.

“Everything is possible”

But what does it matter? For this student from Le Mans (Sarthe), on a work-study program in Angers as part of a master’s degree in industrial purchasing, “everything is possible.” Come on, let’s try it: does he see beyond the “possible”, precisely? Here, Hugo Louvigné is being cautious. “I am a very factual, very pragmatic person; I don’t make plans for the future.” We will leave it there.

In any case, his commitment to the National Rally seems… timeless. “I couldn’t tell you how long I’ve been campaigning, he explains. But it’s been a long time.”

His candidacy is a first. “In fact, the European elections accelerated everything.” June 9, 2024, the day the results were announced, was a key date for him. “She is the one who impacted my life.”

A few days later, the man who was appointed head of the first constituency by Aurore Lahondès, head of the RN in Maine-et-Loire, found himself propelled as a candidate when the President decided to dissolve the National Assembly. That is factual. The rest will be decided at the ballot box next Sunday.


2002 : birth

2024 : European election results

June 14, 2024: candidate for the early legislative elections of 2024



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