Mekong dolphin population on the rise thanks to increased protection efforts

Mekong dolphin population on the rise thanks to increased protection efforts
Mekong dolphin population on the rise thanks to increased protection efforts

These measures aim to reduce dolphin mortality due to illegal fishing and to raise awareness among local communities.

Important progress for the protection of Irrawaddy dolphins

Cambodia has recently implemented new initiatives to protect the Irrawaddy dolphins of the Mekong River (Orcaella brevirostris), an endangered species. Deaths of these dolphins, often caused by fishing gear such as nets and hooks, remain a major problem.

To combat this phenomenon, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has decided to install 12 markers in the provinces of Stung Treng (northeast of the country) and Kratie (central-east), as well as 20 buoys and a floating house in the Kampi region.

The installations are intended to inform fishermen about protected areas and to dissuade them from entering them, ministry spokesman Im Rachna stressed to Asia News that these efforts are crucial to raise awareness among local populations about the importance of preserving this species.

Awareness and patrols: encouraging results for the Mekong

Irrawaddy dolphins used to swim as far as Vietnam. They are distinguished by their rounded forehead, small size and short nose. Mok Ponlok, director of Kratie provincial cantonment, noted a decrease in the mortality rate of these dolphins in 2023.

The fisheries administration has assigned 44 river guards and agents to patrol dolphin conservation areas 24 hours a day, which has helped reduce poaching.

The active involvement of local authorities and initiatives such as the installation of guide posts and awareness campaigns have contributed to a better understanding and increased participation of fishermen in dolphin conservation.

An encouraging increase in the dolphin population

Community outreach and increased patrols are starting to pay off. The Irrawaddy dolphin population is now estimated at 105, Agriculture Minister Dith Tina said.

Other initiatives implemented include the release of breeding fish and the establishment of monitoring devices for migratory fish. In collaboration with local authorities, the ministry will continue to combat illegal fishing and the use of prohibited equipment.



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