Bad news announced to passengers

Bad news announced to passengers
Bad news announced to passengers

This morning, an unprecedented situation occurred at the Dakar Dem Dikk terminus, located at Hlm Grand Yoff, opposite the Léopold Sédar Senghor stadium. Many passengers, who had bought their tickets, were unable to board the bus because the same seats had been sold to two different people.

About twenty people were left without a seat, relays seneweb which delivers the information. One of them says he received a message for a refund of his ticket yesterday evening around 10 p.m., while the departure was scheduled for this morning at 7 a.m. He tried to access the “Yobuma” reservation application without success.

→ ALSO READ: Transport: Dakar Dem Dikk announces a major innovation

Faced with this situation this morning, he chose to go to the Baux Maraîchers bus station, with all the complications that this entails. Other passengers were even less fortunate, as they found themselves without a seat or a refund. They therefore had to wait for Dakar Dem Dikk to find a solution. Among them were teachers who had to go to Matam or Bakel to correct their baccalaureate exams.

→ ALSO READ: Baux-Maraichers: Transporters increase prices, Dakar Dem Dikk takes a big decision

→ ALSO READ: Dakar Dem Dikk gives its customers a nice surprise 5 days before Tabaski



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