Carcassonne: meeting between HR members and young people looking for work, a win-win exchange

Carcassonne: meeting between HR members and young people looking for work, a win-win exchange
Carcassonne: meeting between HR members and young people looking for work, a win-win exchange

This Tuesday, June 25, at the Carcassonne Conservatory, the West Aude Local Mission (MLOA) organized for the first time a meeting between HR managers from partner companies and young people looking for work. These constructive discussions allow the various stakeholders present to better understand each other’s expectations and needs. A truly beneficial time for all.

Ensuring that every young person can flourish as much as possible. This is surely one of the main objectives of the meeting organized by the West Aude local mission (MLOA), between members of the HR circle of partner companies and young people looking for work, this Tuesday, June 25 at the Carcassonne conservatory. A first.

A common interest

As Jean-Pierre Munich, general director of the MLOA, points out, this event aims to encourage discussion and reflection with this “generation Z”, made up this Tuesday of around twenty young people between the ages of 16 and 25: “The goal is to go to companies and come and talk with them. People can speak freely and there are discussions about each other’s expectations.”he describes. Pierre Souillard, “open badges” referent at the MLOA, continues in this same direction: “To move towards this job market, companies and “generation Z” need to connect. Expectations are not necessarily the same as ten years ago, things are changing. Young people have worked on a series of questions concerning the business world and the members of the HR circle also have some for them. There is no stress during these interviews. HR takes the questions into account and then leads a certain reflection that is brought to them. Young people thus have answers and the local mission can draw strong axes from them”describes Pierre Souillard.

Positive feedback from all

Valérie Muccin is HR Director at “Inessens”, a label manufacturing company located in Montreal. For her, the benefits of meeting these young people are numerous. “This exchange allows us to understand what they are looking for and to adapt, to see if their expectations and ours are in line and possibly to offer them positions to fill. Meeting them is also a way of making the company known and why not have them come and discover it!”, she explains. And that’s good, because young people are just as curious and interested in the day’s event. Dhoulfahar sees this as “an opportunity to learn and find ideas for later”His friend Loan welcomes the opportunity to have answers to questions that he would not have been able to ask if he were not there.

The fruit of more than two years of work

A day like this is not organized by snapping your fingers. Mohamed Meghabbar is a project manager for companies at MLOA. It was he who, following an idea put forward by one of the companies, decided to launch this “HR circle” project in January 2022. Since then, 12 meetings between MLOA and the various members have been organized and Mohamed Meghabbar explains how it works. “We work with 14 companies in this project and we meet once every two months. Each company hosts these events in turn,” he explains. During these discussions and at the request of HR, the notion of “soft skills” (skills linked to behavior) is addressed. A most fundamental concept for Pierre Souillard: “Soft skills are very important, perhaps even more so than a CV. For example, companies want an employee who arrives on time. The local mission can help in several areas, but for this one, it can’t be taught.



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