Six police parking spaces #trap motorists and supply the pound

They are marked with white lines, like all the other spaces in the paid car park located in front of the Grand Poste. But, along the footbridge, half a dozen parking rectangles stretched over 15 metres provoke the rage of a swarm of motorists every week.With the parking meter in front of me, I put in a ticket and left for 2:30. When I returned, my car had been taken away by the pound like most of the cars on the line of spaces next to the footbridge. There were only two cars left that were also being taken away“, testifies one of them, who was “had” at the end of June.

This is because, when they arrive from the Quai Sur-Meuse, drivers who miraculously come across a free space in this often busy car park, do not see the discreet “P – Police” sign placed behind and perpendicular to their line of sight. However, unless you are equipped with a kepi or a blue flashing light, it is forbidden to park in the said spaces reserved for the “Régence” police station (located about fifty metres away).

Given the discretion of the markings, many people get taken in, as we were able to verify on site. The spaces in question are “squatted” every day, in good faith, by motorists who do not notice the signs and see their vehicles taken to the pound with a tax of €150 to pay for the breakdown.
It seems that the city wants to make easy money with this scheme.“, dares one of them. And to regret that a police indication is not marked on these pitfall locations or that the signs are not placed perpendicularly, in a visible way.

On the Liège police side, where it is noted that the delivery area is also regularly occupied, we are informed that they have made a request for signage to the City.It is a question of seeing how to improve it with ground markings.“, specifies Benoit Ferrière, spokesperson for the Liège police.
Until then, the tow trucks will still be running a little longer.

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