Mi-Vallon Boulevard extended by the end of 2024

Mi-Vallon Boulevard extended by the end of 2024
Mi-Vallon Boulevard extended by the end of 2024

The contract for the extension of Mi-Vallon Boulevard and Majorelles and Molinari streets was awarded to the company Excavation M. Toulouse at a cost of $1,795,000.

The budget initially planned for the completion of this work was $2,027,233. It is rare for these cost overruns to occur in this type of project, says councillor Annie Godbout.

According to the call for tenders, the work must begin no later than October 18 and be completed before the end of 2024, explains Annie Godbout.

“We don’t have a start date, but [l’appel d’offres] announces that the work should be completed before the end of 2024. […] It could start any day now. I am not aware of what the company that won the tender has in the pipeline.”

Although she would have liked the work on the extension of Boulevard Mi-Vallon to be carried out before that of the Darche interchange, she believes that this project is expected by citizens.


In the past, some citizens have expressed concern about seeing traffic in the area increase considerably. Safety issues have been raised in particular.

Bollards were recently installed on Mi-Vallon Boulevard because of the cycle path, Ms. Godbout points out.

“It still creates a narrowing effect and we see that the speed has decreased a little by default. In terms of security, I had concerns, but by adding [les bollards]it improves security on Mi-Vallon.”

The extension of Mi-Vallon Boulevard has been on the table for several years. In April 2023, elected officials approved the route providing for the extension of Mi-Vallon Boulevard to René-Lévesque Boulevard via Majorelle Street, which will be one-way, and Molinari Street.



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