Obituary. Football fan, Annick Courtin always followed Stade Rennais and the French team

Obituary. Football fan, Annick Courtin always followed Stade Rennais and the French team
Obituary. Football fan, Annick Courtin always followed Stade Rennais and the French team

Stade Rennais has lost a discreet but long-standing supporter: Rennaise Annick Martin died on Sunday June 30, 2024, a few days before her 99th birthday.e birthday. His funeral will take place on Friday, July 5, starting at 9:15 a.m., at the Eastern Cemetery in Rennes.

“Remote control within sight” for Euro matches

“We were preparing a new surprise for him”explains her daughter Chantal Samoy. Two years ago, on Sunday, October 16, 2022, Annick Courtin’s grandchildren offered her a front-row seat at Roakzon Park to watch a match between Rennes and Lyon. It had been fifteen years since she had set foot in the stadium again. The French team also had the full attention of this great football fan. “In recent days, she was still asking us to put the remote control within her reach in view of the Euro match between France and Belgium…”

Read also: At 97, she will be at Roazhon Park to support the Rouge et Noir

Passion passed on to his children

Born in Courtalain in 1925, in Eure-et-Loir, Annick Courtin worked as a milliner in her youth, before taking care of her three daughters. Her stepfather was Jean Cueff, a former player of Stade Rennais. She remembered that in the past, “There were wooden barriers, so my father would watch the game between the boards. After a while, after the first half, he would be let in to watch the game!”

The passion was passed on to his children. ”I myself married a player, Charly Samoy, who was a goalkeeper, coach and sports director at LOSC (Lille Olympique Sporting Club, between 1963 and 1988)”, concedes Chantal Samoy.

In her living room, Annick Courtin kept the special number 100 years in Red and Black, edited in 2001 by West Franceof which she was also a faithful reader. The editorial staff presents its sincere condolences to her family.



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