Overcast skies, electric terminals and “Happiness”: Hello Saint-Brieuc!

The sky will remain gray this Tuesday, July 2

To open this Bonjour, I chose to offer you a bit of blue sky, with this view of the Légué. Because this Tuesday, July 2, the weather will remain very overcast. The dominant color should be gray. However, it should not rain.

As for the temperatures, it will be around 16° this morning, with a feeling of 19°. This afternoon, we can count on 18°, feeling 22°. Very little wind again today. Latest info: the water temperature at Rosaires is 18°.

This Tuesday, the sun rose at 6:14 a.m. and will set at 10:16 p.m. In Le Légué, the sea will be low at 11:03 a.m. and high at 4:58 p.m. (coefficient 60). Low water returns at 11:39 p.m.

In Saint-Brieuc, 48 new points to recharge your electric vehicle

Need to charge your electric vehicle in Saint-Brieuc? Be careful, spaces are limited. The city currently only has eight charging points. The municipality wants to catch up and is planning to install 16 stations from next September, representing 48 new points. [Les explications de Julien Molla]

The city of Saint-Brieuc currently has only eight charging points for electric cars on public land. 48 additional points, spread over 16 stations, will be deployed in Saint-Brieuc. (Le Télégramme/Julien Molla)

Otherwise, what are we doing today?

What if we went for a walk this Tuesday, July 2? The team of the Municipal Archives and Heritage of Saint-Brieuc is organizing a guided tour called “Military Heritage of the Tour de Cesson”. The history of the military defenses of the Cesson estate will be retraced, from the fortified castle to the bunkers of the Atlantic Wall. This free activity is intended for families. A little tip: bring good shoes. Meet at 2 p.m. at the Tour de Cesson estate. Information on 02 96 62 55 22. Enjoy your walk!

Meet at 2 p.m. at the Tour de Cesson estate. (Le Télégramme/Julien Molla)

The Social Sport Club will be called “Bonheure”

The future Social sport club in the former wholesale market in Saint-Brieuc now has a name: it has been christened “Bonheure”. The press release also announces that the BDS (sports bar), the padel club and a Virtual Room (collaborative virtual reality room) will open in September, after the climbing room The Roof, the gym La Forge, the EVA (virtual reality e-sport franchise) and the Quiz Room, activities expected from July. [Lire l’article]

The day the Medusa sank

Today, we wish a happy name day to Martinien and Colomban. Two unusual first names.

Did you know: it was on July 2, 1816, that the frigate La Méduse ran aground off the coast of what is now Mauritania. 395 sailors and soldiers were on board. The ship had left Bordeaux on April 27, with Captain Hugues de Chaumareys at the helm. It ran aground on the Banc d’Arguin, more than 60 km from the African coast. The officers and some of the sailors were able to board canoes. 152 men had to make do with a makeshift raft. About fifteen survived. This shipwreck fascinated and inspired the painter Théodore Géricault. His masterpiece is exhibited in the Louvre.



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