The festival committee knew how to honor Saint Peter – Le Petit Journal

The festival committee knew how to honor Saint Peter – Le Petit Journal
The festival committee knew how to honor Saint Peter – Le Petit Journal

An orchestra that really made… sparks fly Credits: ON

Gone are the days when the patronal festival was the village’s unmissable event, providing an opportunity to invite family, sometimes from far away, and friends. However, thanks to the investment of a handful of volunteers who make up the Festival Committee, the tradition persists, even if its program has changed a lot, as has its audience. At 6 p.m., the faithful were able to attend mass in the parish church, honoring Saint-Pierre, their patron saint, at the same time. Concelebrated exceptionally by two priests, including Father Augustin, who is celebrating his 6th anniversary of priesthood, an improvised choir with Sylvain on the synthesizer enlivened the service from start to finish. The meal then brought together more than 100 people around spit-roasted hams and their accompaniments, with a musical interlude between each course. A regular at the venue, the “Etincelle” ensemble really made sparks fly in a room where the audience is usually rather reluctant to get involved. First, the great variety pieces were sung in chorus, thanks to the dynamism of the conductor Yves Passerieux whose beautiful voice went perfectly with that of the singer. At the end of the meal, it was time for the dance party and we have rarely seen so many people on the dance floor with classics often considered out of fashion: cha-cha-cha, madison, rumba, samba, paso doble, waltz, etc.! Oddly enough, about ten young people and teenagers actively participated in the party until late at night. So such entertainment is not just for the “old”! Although the initial program was disrupted by the elections, it was a great success, even if far too many Labarthais forgot to come! Next event of the festival committee: theater at the end of September.

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