Legislative elections in Occitania: the uncertain fate of regional political figures

Legislative elections in Occitania: the uncertain fate of regional political figures
Legislative elections in Occitania: the uncertain fate of regional political figures

At the end of this first round of early legislative elections, several outgoing deputies from Occitanie, members of Gabriel Attal’s government, faces of the presidential majority or regulars on TV sets, are not guaranteed to return to sit at the Palais Bourbon. Overview from Hérault to Haute-Garonne via an exception in Lot.

Aurélien Pradié, the exception is in the Lot

“Thank you to the 22,180 people of Lot for their trust from the first round. With 42.25% of the votes, I am well ahead,” reacted Sunday evening the one who had just slammed the door of the Republicans after Eric Ciotti joined the National Rally. Unlike other regional figures, Pradié illustrates the exception and his fate is therefore almost certain.
Having come out on top in this first round in his Lot constituency, ahead of the LFI candidate (24%) and the National Rally candidate (23%), Aurélien Pradié is thus one of the “miracles” of his former party (he was a candidate under the banner of his micro-party Du Courage) who will be re-elected to the National Assembly on July 7. The Lotois is also an opposition elected representative in the Occitanie Region.

Patrick Vignal, the TV studio MP in great difficulty

Elected as a Macronist in the 9th constituency of Hérault since 2017 and since 2012 under his former label, the Socialist Party, Patrick Vignal, his sing-song accent and his remarkable ability to pull out all the stops (and subjects), are regulars on the news channels, great devourers of political speakers. Last Sunday, his media lead was not useful to him since he came in third place with 25%, far behind the RN (36.43%) and the Popular Front (29.27%). In an unfavorable position in a three-way race, will he follow Gabriel Attal’s instructions to withdraw? “for the benefit of candidates capable of beating” the RN?

Emmanuelle Ménard, far right, far right and a half

The re-election of the Hérault MP, wife of the mayor of Béziers, Robert Ménard, is extremely compromised by her poor score on Sunday. The fault lies with a tripping candidacy of the National Rally which thus confirms the divorce between the Ménards and the Le Pen clan. Emmanuelle Ménard, elected with the support of the FN (and Debout la France among others) in the 6th constituency of Hérault in 2017, this time only obtained 27.23% of the votes, behind an RN candidate who is galloping at 41.11%, and ahead of a Popular Front at 21.03%. Triangular or not, a return of the MP Ménard to the Assembly looks very hypothetical.

The confusion of ministers Patricia Miralles and Dominique Faure

A highly sensitive subject, the political fate of these two members of the Attal government, candidates for re-election in Hérault and Haute-Garonne, was set to diverge this Monday, July 1.

Patricia Miralles, Secretary of State for Veterans, and Dominique Faure, born in Aude, Minister for Communities and Rural Affairs, were in fact stuck in three-way races. However, the former has still not expressed her intention to withdraw or not on Monday afternoon, while the latter announced this morning that she would remain in a three-way race between the PS, the RN and the presidential majority, in which she is nevertheless third.



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