On the left as on the right, Valérie Simonet called to withdraw in the second round of legislative elections in Creuse

On the left as on the right, Valérie Simonet called to withdraw in the second round of legislative elections in Creuse
On the left as on the right, Valérie Simonet called to withdraw in the second round of legislative elections in Creuse

For the second round of legislative elections in Creuse, the ball is in the macronists’ court. Their candidate Jean-Baptiste Moreau, who came fourthis eliminated, and the 10,670 Creusois who voted for him must now choose. For the moment, lThe three qualified candidates are remaining**: first the alliance of the RN and the LR led by Bartolomé Lenoir, then the New Popular Front, on the left, with Catherine Couturier, and finally Valérie Simonet classified as miscellaneous right, whom the first two are encouraging to withdraw.

“The priority is the dam”

The first to ask it, as soon as the results are announced on Sunday evening, is Catherine CouturierThe candidate of the New Popular Front, who came second, believes that her maintenance would be synonymous with “let the RN win”The outgoing MP believes that “Valérie Simonet is not in a position to win, given that she would need more than 7,000 additional votes.”

In the process, Several left-wing personalities do the sameEtienne Lejeune, the socialist mayor of La Souterraine, recalls that at the national level, The New Popular Front recommends that its third-placed candidates withdrawHe regrets that the right does not apply the same instructions: “The priority is the dam, the dam and the dam on the far right.” In Aubusson, Stéphane Ducourtioux, also a PS member, tackles, “If Valérie Simonet maintains her candidacy, it is a gamble and a political error. It is obvious that the RN will win. If she is counting on the votes of Jean-Baptiste Moreau, she is mistaken because the Macronist electorate is very disparate.”

Bartolomé Lenoir wants a face-to-face with Catherine Couturier

On the other side of the political spectrum, the candidate of the union of the right and the extreme right, Bartolomé Lenoir also calls for Valérie Simonet to withdraw. He explains that “The outgoing MP Catherine Couturier (…) is today my opponent and the only one who can prevent our victory next Sunday. Maintaining the candidacy of Valérie Simonet, who is largely behind, will only result in dividing the votes on the right while seeking to recover those of Jean-Baptiste Moreau. A dangerous calculation that will lead to nothing for Creuse.”

Macronist voters undecided

In the centre, however, there is no call for Valérie Simonet to step down.and for good reason: Jean-Baptiste Moreau does not issue any voting instructions but calls for not giving any votes “to the extremes”. This implies neither Bartolomé Lenoir supported by the National Rally, nor Catherine Couturier, from La France insoumise. So Valérie Simonet remains?

“Many people are lost”recognizes Eric Daubechies, member of the Modem in Creuse and therefore supporter of Emmanuel Macron. He is banking heavily on the second round campaign to get answers from Valérie Simonetparticularly on pensions, or its position regarding major projects in Creuse, like the wood pellet factory in Guéret.

Valérie Simonet believes in it

What does the main person concerned, Valérie Simonet, say about it? She proclaims herself “candidate of reason in the face of extremes”. On her Facebook page she writes: “I will obviously not withdraw my candidacy.” On the other hand, she calls on Catherine Couturier to withdraw “so that I can beat the Parisian Bartolomé Lenoir with an even more comfortable lead!”

The President of the Department calls “all the people of Creuse who refuse extremes” to join her and imagine a score “exceeding 40% of the votes”.




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