AU observer mission says it “took note” of announcement of provisional results

AU observer mission says it “took note” of announcement of provisional results
AU observer mission says it “took note” of announcement of provisional results

The African Union (AU) electoral observation mission said on Monday in Nouakchott that it had “taken note” of the proclamation of the provisional results of the Mauritanian presidential election and invited candidates wishing to contest them to resort to legal channels.

The Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) announced the provisional results of the vote at a press conference held at its premises on the same day. The results open the way to the re-election of Mohamed Cheikh El Ghazouani, the outgoing head of state, if they are validated by the Constitutional Council.

A candidate for his own succession, El Ghazouani came out on top with 56.12% of valid votes cast, according to the provisional results of the CENI, well ahead of the main opponent, the anti-slavery activist Biram Dah Abeid, who ended up with 22.10%.

The announcement of the results was followed by clashes between security forces and supporters of the main opposition candidate in some parts of the capital.
However, the opponent said he contested the results proclaimed by the CENI. He invited his compatriots to do the same, peacefully.

Speaking at a press conference in Nouakchott, Domitien Ndayizeye called on the Mauritanian government to continue efforts to build trust among presidential candidates.

“We recommend that candidates exercise restraint in all circumstances and resort to legal channels in the event of any disputes. At the same time, they should promote dialogue and the search for consensus with a view to strengthening peace and security in the country,” stressed the head of the AU election observation mission.



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