In Paris, against the current, the left is progressing and asserting itself

In Paris, against the current, the left is progressing and asserting itself
In Paris, against the current, the left is progressing and asserting itself

Nationally, the National Rally and its allies are leading the way, with more than 33% of the vote in the first round of the legislative elections on Sunday, June 30. But in Paris, the situation is very different and the left dominates. The New Popular Front (NFP) is leading in 12 of the capital’s 18 constituencies. In 9 of them, NFP deputies were even re-elected in the first round.

Already elected or re-elected are the LFI Aymeric Caron (18th constituency), Danièle Obono (17th), Sarah Legrain (16th), Sophia Chikirou (6th) and Rodrigo Arenas (10th), as well as the environmentalists Éva Sas (8th), Sandrine Rousseau (9th) and Pouria Amirshahi (5th).

Anne Hidalgo’s first deputy, invested by the NFP, Emmanuel Grégoire, also won in the first round in the 7th constituency. With 50.87% of the vote, the socialist dethroned the former Minister of Transport Clément Beaune, who was capped at 32%.

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This success of the left is despite internal divisions. Thus Danielle Simonnet, outgoing MP, but not supported by LFI, is almost 20 points ahead of Céline Verzeletti, invested by the party in the 15th constituency. The latter reacted and maintained her desire to continue the competition in the second round: “We will go to the second round for an NFP without ambiguity, without deception!”

The majority in difficulty

The presidential party, for its part, is retreating. In 2017, it had won 13 deputies. In 2022, it had kept 9. This time, several figures from Ensemble are in difficulty. Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Civil Service, is in a very unfavorable ballot against the environmentalist Léa Balage El Mariky in the 3rd constituency, with a 12-point deficit.

In the 2nd, PS candidate Marine Rosset came out on top, with more than 33% of the vote. She was ahead of Jean Laussucq, nominated by the presidential party, and Gilles Le Gendre, the former president of the Macronist group in the National Assembly, supported by several members of the party.

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The presidential party is holding out in the West of Paris, however. It is leading in 5 constituencies. The incumbents Benjamin Haddad (14th constituency), Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet (4th), Sylvain Maillard (1st), Olivia Grégoire (12th) and David Amiel (13th) all came out on top this Sunday evening and are therefore in a good position to be reinvested.

The RN candidates are everywhere far, very far, from the party’s national scores. Only one candidate supported by the RN will be present in the second round. Louis Piquet, however, has little chance of success. Third in a three-way race in the 14th constituency, he is beaten by a handful of votes by the LR candidate, but he is 30 points behind Benjamin Haddad, the outgoing Macronist MP.

Find the results of the first round of the 2024 legislative elections, municipality by municipality.



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