Tanning salons were full in spring due to rainy weather: News

Spring 2024 was not a bright one and the sun was absent. Many people got around the problem and went to tanning salons to show off their healthy glow.

The last few months have been miserable, cold and rainy. This has weighed on everyone’s morale, and even more so on those who are used to going out to expose themselves as soon as a ray of sunshine breaks through the clouds. People were rather gloomy, until some went to tanning salons. Indeed, this gloomy weather has made these establishments happy, which have seen their attendance increase, reports -.

According to Hervé Corlay, the director of the Point Soleil network who spoke to our colleagues, the increase in attendance amounts to 7% on average. An increase explained by Régine Ferrere, president of the National Confederation of Perfumery Aesthetics: “People need sun, they need to have light and it does them good for morale (…). It’s not just to get a tan. It’s especially to find yourself wrapped in light, in warmth. Because it’s been very cold and the body really needs it.”

However, you still need to be careful when having UV sessions. As the WHO reminds us, “Cancer, sunburn, accelerated skin aging, ocular inflammation and transient immunosuppression are all associated with the use of tanning devices.” It is therefore better to favour other well-being treatments that are less dangerous for your health, and to wait until the sun comes back to expose yourself, with UV protection, avoiding the hottest hours.

published on July 1 at 7:35 p.m., Philippine Rouviere Flamand, 6Medias




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