The 7 first aid stations are operational

The 7 first aid stations are operational
The 7 first aid stations are operational
As the summer holidays approach, the lifeguard stations on Ajaccio’s beaches have been operational since Monday 1is July. As every year, the City of Ajaccio deploys this system placed under the responsibility of the sports department and more particularly of its coordinator, Jean-Marc Miniconi.

This season, the safety of the many holidaymakers who come to enjoy the joys of the beach will be ensured by 27 lifeguards.

The first aid stations will remain open all summer, until August 31, at the seven sites concerned: Ricanto, Saint-François, Trottel, Marinella, Terre Sacrée, and of course at Petit Capo-Sevani, as well as at Grand Capo – Anse de Minaccia.

Lifeguards are on duty seven days a week, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., on all of these beaches, except for Petit and Grand Capo where lifeguards operate between 12 p.m. and 7 p.m.

All holders of the national certificate of safety and water rescue (BNSSA), lifeguards carry out prevention missions with regard to users on the possible risks of swimming but also of intervention in the event of imminent dangers. They are responsible for monitoring beaches, raise awareness among the public and ensure that users respect regulated coastal areas, such as areas reserved exclusively for swimming (ZRUB) or areas prohibited to motorized vehicles (ZIEM).



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