Jules Koundé, France’s man of the match

Jules Koundé, France’s man of the match
Jules Koundé, France’s man of the match

No, nothing special. I think I’m continuing what I’ve done in recent months at Barcelona. I feel good in this team. I’m trying to adapt while knowing that my vocation is above all defensive. Afterwards, when there’s space, I try to contribute as much as possible. Today, it’s true that it was a good configuration because we knew that Doku is not a player who particularly likes to defend. So, I had space and I just tried to take advantage of the good movements of my teammates. So, I’m happy that it saved us.

You seem to be in great physical shape today after having a lull this winter with Barcelona. Is this related?

I wasn’t playing my best football. It was also in a desire to play a little more offensively, but I didn’t have the strength to make the defensive efforts and so it cost me a few times. And then afterwards, as usual when there is a period of less good, I took refuge in work. I analyzed my matches a lot, talked with the coach, Xavi in ​​Barcelona, ​​but also with Didier Deschamps. And I feel good physically. I have the confidence of my teammates, of the coach. We can say that I am going through my best period in Bleu.

Did you expect the Belgians to play so low?

No, I was surprised. I thought they were going to be a little more offensive, especially when we saw the lineup. Afterwards, Jon really hampered them tactically. We were very well positioned. I think we made a lot of effort, once again, all together, starting from the attack line.

In my opinion, we played one of our best games since the start of the competition. We created a lot of chances, even if we lacked precision. We played a complete game, a game to win and this goal, at the end, rewards all that effort. We can do better, we must do better, but once again, we created a lot of chances and I have a lot of confidence in the team, in our attackers and I am sure that in the next game, we will end up scoring a goal other than a penalty or an own goal.

In training, in your attitudes, you appear to be on a personal mission. Is that the case?



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