Cybersecurity in Morocco: the challenges of the sector

Cybersecurity in Morocco: the challenges of the sector
Cybersecurity in Morocco: the challenges of the sector

Finances News Hebdo: What is your view on the cybersecurity market in Morocco and its growth prospects?

Hakima El Assri: The cybersecurity market in Morocco is booming. Indeed, the digital transformation of Moroccan companies requires investments to protect sensitive data against cyberattacks. In addition, the creation of the General Directorate for Information Systems Security (DGSSI) in 2011 by the Moroccan government strengthens IT security at the national level. In addition, companies are becoming increasingly aware of cyber risks and are investing more in cybersecurity solutions. In addition, the emergence of specialized startups and the arrival of major international players are creating a dynamic and innovative ecosystem. It is in this context that Axxam Consulting stands out with its fourth-generation data centers and its SOC using artificial intelligence to anticipate cyberattacks.

FNH: Which sectors are most exposed to cyberattacks today? Do you feel that operators are becoming more aware?

H. E. A. : The sectors most vulnerable to cyberattacks are financial institutions, telecommunications operators, infrastructurecritical sectors such as energy and e-commerce. Indeed, these sectors process significant volumes of sensitive data and represent prime targets for cybercriminals. There is a growing awareness among businesses in these sectors of the importance of cybersecurity, supported by government initiatives and awareness campaigns. As a result, businesses are investing in advanced security solutions and improving employee training to better prepare for cyber threats.

FNH: You also offer fourth-generation data centers. What are their characteristics?

H. E. A. : In the data centers of whichThird generation offers high availability thanks to a redundant architecture that minimizes business interruptions. Additionally, we integrate advanced security measures, which include continuous monitoring and intrusion protection protocols, to ensure data confidentiality and integrity. Additionally, we are committed to minimizing our carbon footprint by using advanced cooling technologies and renewable energy sources. Furthermore, our “Ice Cooling” solution allows significant savings on electricity consumption and is ecological, flexible and scalable. Thus, our data centers are designed to offer an optimal combination of availability, security, efficiencyenergy efficiency and responsible innovation.

FNH: How are environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria supported in your activities?

H. E. A. : At Axxam Consulting, integrating ESG criteria is at the heart of our strategy. Indeed, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and promoting eco-responsible practices, particularly through our ecological recycling program for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). In addition, we promote a green ecosystem by adopting sustainable practices in our operations. On the social level, we create an inclusive and diverse work environment, investing in the continuous training of our employees and attracting local talent and Moroccan experts residing abroad. Finally, in terms of governance, we adopt transparent and ethical practices, in accordance with the highest standards of compliance and accountability.

FNH: You participated in Gitex 2024. What feedback did you get?

H. E. A. : Axxam Consulting’s participation in Gitex Africa 2024 was a success. We presented our innovative cybersecurity solutions and our fourth generation data centers to a Moroccan and international audience. The feedback was very positive, showing strong interest in our products and services. Additionally, we have established promising partnerships with national and international players, thereby consolidating our position in the market. This event confirmed the growing importance of cybersecurity in the global technology landscape and allowed us to gather valuable insights into market trends and customer needs. Furthermore, we are proud to announce our participation in Africa Solutions Week (SAS) 2024 in France and Morocco, highlighting our commitment to promoting innovative and sustainable technological solutions.



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