Unprecedented! Air Senegal cancels its flight and offers a bus to its customers

Unprecedented! Air Senegal cancels its flight and offers a bus to its customers
Unprecedented! Air Senegal cancels its flight and offers a bus to its customers

We will definitely have seen everything! While it is the subject of numerous criticisms, the national airline has just announced it again. Air Senegal canceled one of its flights, offering its customers a bus to get to their destination.

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The revelation was made by journalist from the Walfadjiri press group Ayoba Faye. The latter shared an email reporting a “Cancellation of HC107 Dakar – Saint-Louis July 1, 2024”.

In the note made public by our colleague and visited by the editorial staff of Senenews, the company declares: “Air Senegal informs you that, Your flight HC107 Dakar-Saint Louis-Dakar of July 1, 2024 has been canceled. We offer ground transportation. »

“The departure from Dakar is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., that of Saint Louis is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. Check-in is scheduled for 1 hour before departure time,” added the company, which asks its customers “to accept our apologies and we are doing everything possible to ensure that your trip takes place in the best possible conditions.”

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