A man arrested in flagrante delicto

A man arrested in flagrante delicto
A man arrested in flagrante delicto

A 44-year-old man, already known to the police and in an irregular situation, was caught red-handed pickpocketing inside Saint-Jean Cathedral.

This Saturday, police officers on patrol in the 5th arrondissement of Lyon noticed an individual exhibiting suspicious behavior. The man seemed particularly interested in the bags of passers-by, especially those of tourists. The officers observed that the latter managed to open several bags without succeeding in stealing anything.

The individual then followed an English tourist into St. John’s Cathedral. With the permission of the sacristan, the police entered the place of worship. They noticed that the suspect tried several times to search the tourist’s bag. Finally, he came out with an object in his hand.

The rapid intervention of the officers allowed the arrest of the man in possession of the tourist’s phone, who immediately filed a complaint. The stolen property was thus able to be returned to its owner.

The individual, aged 44 and in an irregular situation on French territory, was placed in police custody. Unfavorably known to the police, he denied the facts during his hearing. Despite his denials, he was presented this Monday July 1, 2024 to the Lyon public prosecutor’s office for an immediate appearance.




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