Saguenay: seven households without housing

Saguenay: seven households without housing
Saguenay: seven households without housing

The coordinator of Loge m’entraide, Sonia Côté, takes advantage of the July 1st holiday to remind us that during this festive period, which coincides with the big moving period, not everyone has the “heart to the party”, Seven households are currently in temporary accommodation, unable to find rent.

According to data obtained from the Saguenay Municipal Housing Office, 75 tenant households have also used the Housing Search Assistance Service (SARL), having been at risk of finding themselves on the street on June 1 or July 1. Of this number, Loge m’entraide has supported nearly fifteen.

To return to the seven households who have not been able to find a permanent roof, even if they are still supported by the OMH, the coordinator of Loge m’entraide says she is worried. She recalls that they remain in an emergency situation because they do not have a permanent roof over their heads. Ms. Côté remains confident that the OMH will eventually find a short-term solution to help them.

Loge m’entraide also continues to call for the construction of new social housing, asking that the number be doubled within 15 years in Quebec in the form of housing cooperatives, NPOs and HLM, housing which are outside the private market recalls Sonia Côté, sheltered from speculation.



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