A new team “for the love of Limoges CSP”

A new team “for the love of Limoges CSP”
A new team “for the love of Limoges CSP”

Monday July 1, 2024, there was a large crowd at the Limousin press club for the presentation of the new Limoges CSP team. All the journalists from the local media were present to discover the new leaders, but also to discover the club project presented by Lionel Peluhet, the new owner, in place of Céline Forte.

The new owner Lionel Péluhet wants, these are his terms “co-build” the club with a quality team, but also with institutions, private partners, supporters, supporters’ clubs and the association. “Everyone has their role to play”. The organization chart is quite light, but is intended to be effective. The goal now is “to move forward without headwinds. To have a global vision, to provide stability, to evolve in the elite of French basketball.”

Lionel Peluhet fixed his project over a period of 3 years around important activities.

Mission CSP : “the club is above all a company with its human values ​​and calibrated by professionals.”
Formation : “The club is giving itself a year to take stock of training and then consider avenues and solutions.”
Financial balance : “In deficit for 3 years now, the objective is now to rebuild and make trade-offs by making savings to regain confidence in stability.”
Human dynamics : “Better consider employees, partners and create interaction. Each person must be a full-fledged player in the club.”
– Vision and development of the club: “Having our eyes fixed on the future and the development of the club. The ideas are numerous, but will be put aside the first year, in the interest of economy.”
Governance : “Be consistent, establish rhythm over a period of 3 years. The first year, we settle in. The second, we install and the last, we transmit with a probable opening of capital.”

Lionel Penoluhet : “The Limoges CSP is an important heritage. The brand needs to be rebuilt. The issue is maintenance for next season with arbitration on the payroll which will be a real headache for Crawford Palmer (the sporting director). The objective is to bring back partners who have moved away from the club in recent years and to be sportingly in the TOP 8.”



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