The Port of Cotonou impacted according to the director – La Nouvelle Tribune

The crisis between Niger and Benin has a negative impact on the activities of the Autonomous Port of Cotonou. This is one of the pieces of information that should be remembered from the visit of its general director Bart Van Eeno and its commercial director Kristop Van Den Branden this Sunday on the show “The Grand Format interview” by Bip Radio. According to current officials at the heart of the Beninese economy, a drop in the number of ships has been recorded since the Niger crisis.

According to the explanations provided by the sales director Kristop Van Den Branden, “on average, 70 to 80 ships per month are welcomed at the autonomous port of Cotonou” whereas in the past the figures were 95 to 100 ships per month. “We can see that there is indeed a drop in the number of ships that have come”he concluded in his statements. He did not fail to dwell on what the collaboration with Niger represents for the Autonomous Port of Cotonou.

“Of the 10 million tonnes that the autonomous port of Cotonou imports, around 30% went to the hinterland countries”has followed Kristop Van Den Branden. “Of these 30 percent, 90% were destined for Niger.”he said before noting that this whole situation has negatively impacted the turnover of the Autonomous Port of Cotonou. This is a drop of 15% according to the commercial director who was nevertheless quite optimistic. The lung of the Beninese economy continues to breathe despite everything according to him.



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