Legislative elections 2024: ten mayors of Dieppe-Maritime want to block the RN

Legislative elections 2024: ten mayors of Dieppe-Maritime want to block the RN
Legislative elections 2024: ten mayors of Dieppe-Maritime want to block the RN


Augustin Bouquet des Chaux

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 5:59 p.m.

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Sunday July 7, 2024the second round of legislative elections on the 6e Seine-Maritime constituency will pit outgoing MP Sébastien Jumel against National Rally candidate Patrice Martin.

A duel that already took place in 2022, during the previous legislative elections, but a lot has changed in two years. If at the time, Sébastien Jumel had presented himself with a good lead in the second round, this time the former mayor of Dieppe (Seine-Maritime) has almost 8,000 votes behind his opponent.

Blocking the National Rally

Faced with the imminent victory of the National Rally in the constituency, ten mayors of the Dieppe-Maritime conurbation called, via a press release, to vote for Sébastien Jumel in order to block the National Rally.

Among the signatories, we find in particular the former president of the agglomeration Patrick Boulier who is also mayor of Varengeville-sur-Mer.

The signatories explain that “as mayor, we cannot resign ourselves to seeing the territory being represented by the RN in the National Assembly.”

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Although they acknowledge having had disagreements with Sébastien Jumel, they assure that they have measured “his unwavering commitment to our territory. He has committed himself to great causes: disability, health, school…”

“No vote should go to the RN”

The divorce of the outgoing MP with the leader of La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, ratified on Sunday evening after the results when Sébastien Jumel explained that “Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister and it is perhaps good that he is not” seems to have played a decisive role for the signatory mayors.

They therefore ask the inhabitants to choose Sébastien Jumel “who has as his only compass the interest of the territory and its inhabitants, no vote must go to the RN”.

The ten signatory mayors:

Patrick Boulier, mayor of Varengeville-sur-Mer, former president of Dieppe-Maritime, president of Dieppe Pays Normand,

Bertrand Arentmayor of Grèges

Antoine Brumentmayor of Martigny, vice-president of Dieppe-Maritime

Frederic Canto, Mayor of Saint-Aubin-sur-Scie, Vice-President of Dieppe-Maritime

Véronique Depreuxmayor of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer

Gill Geryl, honorary mayor of Martin-Eglise

Denis Grenon, mayor of Sauqueville

Jean-Claude Grout, mayor of Rouxmesnil-Bouteilles

Christophe Louchelmayor of Ancourt, vice-president of Dieppe-Maritime

Alain Maratratmayor of Martin-Église, vice-president of Dieppe-Maritime

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