Legislative elections: not all districts of Saint-Nazaire put Matthias Tavel in the lead

Legislative elections: not all districts of Saint-Nazaire put Matthias Tavel in the lead
Legislative elections: not all districts of Saint-Nazaire put Matthias Tavel in the lead


Coralie Durand

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 7:18 p.m.

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As everywhere in France, participation was very strong in the 8e constituency of Loire-Atlantique, more precisely in Saint-Nazaire. With 64.89%, it increased by 15 points compared to the European elections of June 9. If Matthias Tavel (NFP) comes first with 33.09%, followed by Gauthier Bouchet (RN) with and Audrey Dufeu (Renaissance) in all polling stations, this is not the case in all districts.

In the city center

As in the European elections, it is at the single polling station of thecity ​​Hall that we see the highest attendance. With more than 74%, participation is ten points higher than the average for Saint-Nazaire (64.89%). Matthias Tavel comes out on top (33.2%), followed by Audrey Dufeu (21.9%) and Xavier Perrin (19.4%). Gauthier Bouchet only comes in 4ewith 17.8% of the votes cast.

In schools Jean Jaurès et Lamartine, although the figures are less strong, the attendance was still significant with respective participations of 65.1 and 61.5%. The New Popular Front candidate scored his best scores there: 42.3% for Jean-Jaurès, 43.9% for Lamartine! Behind, at less than 20%, Gauthier Bouchet is second. Xavier Perrin and Audrey Dufeu share 3rd and 4th places, but with only five votes difference to Jean-Jaurès. In Lamartine, the difference is more marked (16.9% for the Renaissance candidate, 15.1% for the dissident PS).

The town hall polling station records the highest participation in the June 30, 2024 vote ©Coralie DURAND

On the seafront

Large participation also in schools Carnot (64,2 %) et Pierre and Marie Curie (67.9%). A mobilization which largely favored Matthias Tavel, who came well in the lead. In Carnot, he gathered 724 votes (39% of the vote), more than Audrey Dufeu (16.8%) and Xavier Perrin (16.6%) combined. The trend for the New Popular Front is also very strong in Curie (32.1%). Gauthier Bouchet comes second in both schools (22.3% in Carnot, 23.7% in Curie).

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In Curie, the Renaissance candidate narrowly trails Xavier Perrin (19.6% against 18.5%).

In Villès-Martin and Kerlédé

We didn’t vote the same in both schools Michelet et Jean-Zay, but the voters came in large numbers (respectively 70 and 63.8% participation). In the first, if the first does not change (Matthias Tavel obtains 31.2% of the votes), it is Audrey Dufeu who comes second (24.7%) and Xavier Perrin third (20.6%). The Rally candidate only managed to gather 17.6% of the votes, in fourth place.

In Jean-Zay, we find the final trio: Matthias Tavel (31.1%), Gauthier Bouchet (23.4%), Audrey Dufeu (22.2%). But the candidates from the National Rally and Renaissance are in fact less than 25 votes apart. Xavier Perrin is just below 18%.

Saint-Nazaire has 54 polling stations ©Coralie DURAND

To Porcé

The school’s two polling stations Ferdinand-Buisson saw a relatively high turnout, with over 70%. The NFP came first (31.7%), followed by Renaissance (25.2%) and then, in third place, the National Rally (22.3%). Xavier Perrin just exceeded 15%.

In Saint-Marc sur mer

School Chateaubriand has more than 5,000 registered voters. This is where Audrey Dufeu achieved her best performance, 28.2% of the votes cast. Certainly, she comes second behind Matthias Tavel (28.5%) but only eleven votes separate the two candidates. Behind, Gauthier Bouchet (19.1%) is ahead of Xavier Perrin (17.5%). With very strong participation, more than 73%.

At La Chesnaie and La Bouletterie

As with the European elections, the figures for these two districts of Saint-Nazaire are marked first by their lower participation, even if it is higher than on June 9: 47.2% for La Chesnaie (school Andrée-Chédid) ; 56.4% for Bouletterie (school Madeleine-Reberioux).

But if the RN had come first for the Europeans, this time, it is Matthias Tavel who brings together the most votes (37.6% in Chédid, 34.5% in Reberioux). Gauthier Bouchet comes second (27.4% in Chédid, 26.4% in Reberioux). Audrey Dufeu and Xavier Perrin take the next places, with fairly close scores (respectively 17.5% and 16.4% in Rebrioux; 14.9 and 13.8% in Chédid).

In Avalix

If participation in school Albert-Camus is lower than the Nazaire average, it has increased since June 9, going from 41 to 57.5%. A mobilization in favor of the NFP, which, with 31.8% of the votes cast, took first place while the RN reigned there on June 9. He is only second with 26.7%. Xavier Perrin comes third (19.1%), followed by Renaissance (16.7%).

It is in this district that Eddy Le Beller achieved his best score, 2.5%. There is only a 15-vote difference between the candidate Lutte Ouvrière and Florence Beulevet (Les Républicains).

More voters came to the Albert Camus school than to the European elections. ©Cathy Ryo

In Plaisance

With a participation rate in the naval city average (63.5%), the Jules-Ferry school does not stand out for first place (Matthias Tavel with 32.1% of the votes), but for second. It is Audrey Dufeu who occupies it with 22.2% of the votes, followed very closely by Gauthier Bouchet (21.9%) – in fact, only two votes separate them. Xavier Perrin is fourth (19.5%).

To All Help

Here too, the mobilization focused on the left. Going from a participation of 42 to more than 58% between June 9 and 30, the two polling stations of the school Gambetta have changed color. Where Jordan Bordella’s list largely dominated, it was Matthias Tavel who came very far in the lead with 38.1%. Gauthier Bouchet still gathers 27% of the votes, and it is Xavier Perrin who completes the podium (15.8%). Fourth, Audrey Dufeu achieved her worst score, 13.3%.

To Guindreff and the Little Corporal

It was the RN which came first in the European elections at school Brossolette, with low participation. Change of situation for this election, since with 36% of the votes cast, Matthias Tavel who is first, followed by Gauthier Bouchet (28.2%). Followed by Xavier Perrin (16.5%) and Audrey Dufeu (14.4%). Participation exceeds 56%, or 15 points more than June 9.

At school Victor Hugo, the NFP (34.4%) is well ahead of the RN (25.5%). In third and fourth places, four votes apart Audrey Dufeu from Xavier Perrin.

East of Saint-Nazaire, participation increased, the RN’s score was strengthened ©© Joce Hue

At Méan-Penhoët

With 37.4% of the vote, the National Rally confirms its very good score in the European elections in the school polling stations Paul-Bert, with a higher participation (55.1%). Matthias Tavel is close to 30%. Xavier Perrin comes third (15.3%) and Audrey Dufeu, fourth.

To Herbins-Prezegat

It was the lowest participation on June 9. This time, voters came much more to the school polling station Waldeck-Rousseau (52.2% participation). Enough to reinforce the high score of the National Rally, which brought together 38.7% of the votes, its best figure in the municipality. Behind, the NFP is at 31.3% and Renaissance at 14.1%. Fourth, Xavier Perrin signed his worst performance with 10.9% of the votes.

At the Immaculate

This is the district that brings together the most voters in Saint-Nazaire, more than 6,100 people are registered on the school’s electoral lists. Jules-Simon. 67.3% voted at the polls on Sunday. As in the European elections, it is the RN which comes first (29.2%), in each of the six polling stations. Matthias Tavel is second with 26.3%, followed by Audrey Dufeu (21.6%). Xavier Perrin is close to 17%.

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