in Tours, Charles Fournier is full of votes and confirms the city’s anchoring on the left

in Tours, Charles Fournier is full of votes and confirms the city’s anchoring on the left
in Tours, Charles Fournier is full of votes and confirms the city’s anchoring on the left

With 45.32% of the votes in Tours (1st constituency of Indre-et-Loire), the outgoing environmentalist deputy came close to an election on Sunday evening. Favorite in the 2nd round, he will face Benoist Pierre, candidate of the presidential majority, who came second with 24.17% of the votes, more than 20 points behind.

No false modesty for Charles Fournier. Questioned on France 3 this Monday noon, the outgoing deputy, candidate under the banner of the New Popular Front, welcomed a “very important score”highlighting a progression “very clear” compared to the legislative elections of 2022.

In fact, the elected environmentalist exceeds 45% (45.32), compared to 39.6% two years ago, or more than 7,000 votes collected. “I benefited from the increase in participation, which is not the case for my opponent, who is not progressing. This is obviously good news and we must drive home the point next Sunday.”

It is the recognition, by the people of Tourange, of my field work and the defense of projects carried out for two years.

Charles Fournier, outgoing New Popular Front MP

A result which confirms, once again, the city’s anchoring on the left, led since 2020 by the environmentalist Emmanuel Denis, himself at the head of a municipal team ranging from France Insoumise to the Socialist Party, via Europe Écologie – Les Verts and the Communist Party.

In the last European elections, Tours confirmed its status as a left-wing city, being the only one in the Region to place the candidate PS-Public place Raphaël Glucksmann in the lead, with 19.5% of the votes.

For this second round of legislative elections, Charles Fournier will meet Benoist Pierre. The candidate “Together!” garnered just over 24% of the vote. A gap of 10,000 votes that will be difficult to make up for, but this person close to Edouard Philippe wants to believe it:

I call on all voters, I call on a large gathering against the left-wing front. There are two very different projects facing each other. On the economy first, the Keyneian recovery on the left, with unrealistic spending, and a supply-side policy, on our side. A different project also on finances, immigration…

Benoist Pierre, candidate “Together!” in the 1st constituency of Indre-et-Loire

An appeal to RN and LR voters, the only reserves of votes available to the right-wing candidate. Eliminated, Lisa Garbay collected a little more than 18% of the votes, and Luca Janer, almost 6%.

Finally, Benoist Pierre recalls that these legislative “are not a presidential election” : “This is not a pro or anti-Macron referendum. I am a member of Edouard Philippe’s Horizons party.”

A way, once again, to distance oneself from Emmanuel Macron, whose image emerged quite damaged from this dissolution.



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