Maine-et-Loire. He had sexually assaulted his granddaughters: he will go to prison

Maine-et-Loire. He had sexually assaulted his granddaughters: he will go to prison
Maine-et-Loire. He had sexually assaulted his granddaughters: he will go to prison

In May 2024, a 72-year-old man appeared for acts of sexual assault on his three granddaughters, before the criminal court of Saumur (Maine-et-Loire). Thursday June 27, he was sentenced to two years in prison.

The defendant has 10 days to appeal the decision. | ILLUSTRATION CO – JOSSELIN CLAIR

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  • The defendant has 10 days to appeal the decision. | ILLUSTRATION CO – JOSSELIN CLAIR

In Maine-et-Loire, a grandfather was accused by his three granddaughters (including one by marriage) of sexual assault, between 2020 and 2023. During the hearing before the Saumur criminal court on May 23, 2024 , the defendant had completely denied all the facts with which he was accused.

The court delivered its verdict on Thursday, June 27. The 72-year-old man was sentenced to four years in prison, two of which were suspended for three years. The firm sentence will be served in prison in the coming months. The court acquitted the retiree of the sexual assault on his step-granddaughter.

He will have to pay 5,000 euros for each of his two other granddaughters. As well as 2,500 euros for the mothers of the children. And 1,500 euros for lawyer fees, for both civil parties.

His name is registered in Fijais

He is prohibited from having contact with his three young daughters, from exercising a profession directly related to minors for five years and is ineligible for three years. His name is registered in Fijais, the automated judicial file for perpetrators of sexual offenses.



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