Anglet at the heart of the 2nd round campaign

Anglet at the heart of the 2nd round campaign
Anglet at the heart of the 2nd round campaign

L’The announcement on Monday afternoon of the withdrawal of the outgoing Modem MP, Florence Lasserre, from the second round of the legislative elections in the 5th constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, did not fail to provoke reactions in Anglet where she is a municipal councillor.

Anglet’s name also came up frequently before the first round of these elections. Two of the three main candidates in the running before the first round, Florence Lasserre and Valérie Castrec who ran for the Republicans, sit in Claude Olive’s municipal majority. Only the RN candidate, Serge Rosso, domiciled in Biarritz (6th constituency) does not seem to have a link with Anglet.

There was also talk, for a time, that Sandra Pereira-Ostanel, of LFI, who sits in the Anglophone municipal opposition, would be the candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP). In the end, during what Claude Olive calls “The night of the long knives”, it was the candidacy of the Bayonne socialist Colette Capdevielle which was selected. She took as campaign director Sandrine Derville (PS), leader of the five elected officials from the opposition list in the municipal council, Vivement Anglet.

Republican Front

Claude Olive said he welcomed the decision of the outgoing MP with emotion. “The results of the first round appeared rather reassuring. Particularly in Anglet. Florence Lasserre comes first with 32.30% of the votes, compared to 27.10% for Colette Capdevielle. In the constituency as a whole, she could have a reserve of possible votes. Which did not seem to be the case for the NFP candidate. As for the RN, I think that it has reached its maximum low, with 27.54%. »

“I acknowledge Florence Lasserre’s decision to withdraw from the second round,” he added. “I remain convinced that she could have won, against Colette Capdevielle, candidate from a cohort that brings together LFI, the PS, the NPA, the ecologists and the abertzale.”

With honors

“I know Florence Lasserre well. We have served together on the Municipal Council since 2001. She made a decision that honors her, adds Claude Olive. I know the work she has done, even during these last two difficult years, because of the atmosphere in the National Assembly. I will stay by his side for the future”

Sandrine Derville, for her part, welcomed the announcement of Florence Lasserre’s withdrawal “as good news. “I am happy that she was able to think and I am relieved by her decision,” adds Colette Capdevielle’s campaign director. Florence Lasserre comes out with the honors of this election. She confirms that she is a Republican. »

Claude Olive, Florence Lasserre, Valérie Castrec, Sandra Pereira-Ostanel and Sandrine Derville will meet around the vast table of the Anglet municipal council on Wednesday, September 18. Whatever the result of the second round of the legislative elections, the mayor of Anglet does not want to change the rules of the game. “National politics has no place within the walls of our municipal council.”



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